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Revision as of 23:11, 27 March 2009 by Skierpage (talk | contribs) (→‎Boot Process: my experience)

Boot Process

Your setup (Those in the know, please suggest a relevant template.)

won't boot on XO-1 with q2e33 firmware, with a workaround

I downloaded Soas2-200903271806.iso and ran latest LiveUSB-Creator 3.6.3 under Windows XP to put it and a 256 MB persistent storage area on a USB flash drive.

Insert the USB flash drive, power on XO-1, hold down check key.

  • The hot dog is back!
  • After a minute the screen goes dark.
  • After another 90 seconds of dark screen I get the blue swirl Login: screen with "liveuser",
  • Log in.
  • After several seconds that goes to dark screen, and a few seconds later I'm back at the blue Login: screen. :-(

In a console, ~liveuser has no .sugar subdirectory, so it looks like Sugar never got rolling.

The file "/var/log/slim.log" has various errors. There is no /home/liveuser/.Xauthority file, and /home/liveuser is drwx-r-xr-x owned by root.

After running in a console

chown liveuser /home/liveuser
chgrp liveuser /home/liveuser

login proceeded fine.

-- Skierpage 04:11, 28 March 2009 (UTC)

Error log extracts: (please conserve wiki read space and post long logs on the mailing list or in a Trac ticket attachment and link the ticket:### or mail archive message, like

Post Boot Observations