
Flash Card Game - Assimilate

Fun Towers

Lemonade Stand

Lemonade stand (or more likely, *Insert produce here* stand) is a collaboration project at RIT. It is designed to test children on fractions, working with money, estimation and other math topics. While our time restraints limit the extent to which we can implement features, the current goal is a feature complete program, if lacking in graphics. We plan on having a system based on buying and selling commodities and an eventual season based economy.

The largest and most complex task of the project will be the introduction of a basic AI to handle the economy, the use of graphics, and of course, localization. We are planning on introducing the game with a generic currency model while trying to find a commodity that either works worldwide, or is easy to replace for regional types. At the very least, we plan on having a feature complete text model that can be finished by other interested parties.

The RIT currently working on the project are Anthony King, Nathaniel Case, Jonathan Sanger, Mitchell DeMarco, and Anthony Lubriani.


Produce Puzzle

The object of the game is to solve a system of equations with unknowns represented by fruits. The player is given the column sums and row sums, and from there he must determine the value of each fruit. The game difficulty can be changed, and it ranges from solving 3x3 fruit equations, all the way up to 9x9 fruit grids.

We, Abbi Honeycutt and Kennedy Kong from Rochester Institute of Technology, has taken over this project. Previous creators were Matthew Michihara, Elizabeth Deng, and Aaron Macris from University of Southern California during their "Code for a cause OLPC Hack-a-thon".

Question Support API

Teacher Reporting


Using a combination of shell scripts, AWK, and Python we will be developing a system which reads in from a file, students identifiable information, the question itself (a mathematical operation), and the students correctness. From this studentinfo.dat file we will report to the teacher: Number of questions, total percent correct, percent correct for multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction.

Group Members

  • [ Wesley Dillingham]
  • [ Jeremiah Green]
  • [link name]


Week by week milestones

Week 8: Have both scripts succesfully tabulating relevant information

Week 9 :Have student to teacher data information transfer succesfully functioning with scripts.

Week 10: Have integration with kuku, and a gui for teachers data retrieval.

"Required Accomplishment"

"Wishlist Accomplishments "

Links & Resources

Helpful stuff