Education Team/Meetings

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The Education team held first meeting on Friday 06 March 2009 at 15:00 UTC (10:00 EST) on (channel: #sugar-meeting). Please add to the agenda below and please join in with your ideas.

Hint: You can use an online time calculator to convert from UTC to your local time zone or back.

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Upcoming Agenda

Previous Agenda

We had an Education Team meeting on Friday, 6 March, at 15 UTC (10 EST) on #sugar-meeting

  1. Introduce ourselves (If you cannot attend the meeting but would like to be introduced to the group, please send User:Walter an email)
  2. Discuss the mission of the Education Team (See the strawman here)
  3. Design a survey for the teachers attending a Sugar workshop in Uruguay (We have a short window of opportunity to get feedback from 600 teachers who have been using Sugar in their classrooms for 1 year.)
  4. Decide on a regular meeting time (If you cannot attend, please suggest times that would work better for you.)

Please contact User:Walter in advance regarding other pressing topics.