
Cornerstone ideas:

  • implement Unified Objects proposal to have unified method to create, reuse and share all Objects in Sugar
  • work with remote Sugar Objects in the same way like with local
  • make this activity Sucrose version independent(0.82+)

Objects model

How it looks like from top-level point of view.

Everything is an object

So, journal objects, activities/activity-bundles, content/content-bundles are the same level objects.

All object versions

  • by activity_id if it exists
  • by activity for activities/bundles

are represented in Library by one collapsed item.

Every Library object could include:

  • manually included Journal objects
  • auto included Journal objects
    • by MIME type
    • new version of object, if object was already included
  • all Journal objects


Every Library object have finite quantity of predefined tags and infinite quantity of users tags.

Objective tags
Will be set by activity itself after including new Object.

  • creator for activities
  • creation for objects that were generated by activity(activity_id field is not empty)
  • unbind for Journal objects w/o activity_id field
  • local objects are stored in Journal
  • remote link to remote object

Subjective tags
Will be set by activity authors or users

  • activity required and mutually exclusive for content
  • content required and mutually exclusive for activity
  • endless quantity of users tags

Remote Objects

Room/Lesson mode