

Cornerstone ideas:

  • implement Unified Objects proposal to have unified method to create, reuse and share all Objects in Sugar
  • work with remote Sugar Objects in the same way like with local
  • make this activity Sucrose version independent(0.82+)

Objects model

How it looks like from top-level point of view.

Everything is an object

So, journal objects, activities/activity-bundles, content/content-bundles are the same level objects.

All object versions

  • by activity_id if it exists
  • by activity for activities/bundles

are represented in Library by one collapsed item.

Every Library object could include:

  • manually included Journal objects
  • auto included Journal objects
    • by MIME type
    • new version of object, if object was already included
  • all Journal objects


Every Library object have finite quantity of predefined tags and infinite quantity of users tags.

Objective tags

Will be set by activity itself after including new Object.

  • creator for activities
  • creation for objects that were generated by activity(activity_id field is not empty)
  • unbind for Journal objects w/o activity_id field
  • local objects are stored in Journal
  • remote link to remote object

Subjective tags

Will be set by activity authors or users

  • activity required and mutually exclusive for content
  • content required and mutually exclusive for activity
  • endless quantity of users tags

Composite tags

User tags could consist of several child tags to represent tree of users tags.
See #.


Every object can have:

  • summary short explanation
  • description longer explanation
  • icon of object
  • screenshot of object
  • rank

By default, some properties could be filled from Journal fields or from object itself (like .ogg properties).


How users can share their objects.

Type of shared objects

Library user could operate with three kinds of objects:

  • local objects stored in the local Journal; they are regular Journal objects
  • remote objects stored in the Journal of other(online) users


Every Library object has list of known(not necessarily online) sources of objects:

  • Sugar users joined(if they are online) to this Library session
  • various sources that are provided by proper backend, for example books from

If source is online user can browse his objects(in separate way or merging them to the main set of objects) and download or download+start them.

Synchronize/Upgrade objects

User can manually/auto synchronize local versions with remote versions from online sources.


Core UI components.

Objects list

Tags sidebar

Sources sidebar

Usage scenarios

Room/Lesson mode

At the first approach it could look like:

  1. teacher prepares one or several Library objects for future lesson
  2. during the lesson teacher shares proper Library object for all students
  3. teacher could observe if all students were joined to proper Library object, to proper object inside of Library object

So, this mode should contain mini-neighbourhood view for Library object's items.