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Sugar on Ubuntu

The Sugar packages for Ubuntu provide a Sugar environment that is easy to install and can be configured as an X session in gdm or run in a window with sugar-emulator.

It is a much simpler platform to set up for activity developers than jhbuild, although is not bleeding-edge.

{I might get flamed for this; I know I shouldn't post on a wiki like this, but no one will read the discussion: can we list a simple way of installing from jhbuild on Ubuntu 9.04 or installing from a PPA? Is 0.83 in the Ubuntu sugar PPA recent enough? How about installing from source (not git/jhbuild) and then adding an X session? With Ubuntu being the most popular Linux distribution, it is in the interest of this project to flesh out these details.}

Sugar on Ubuntu is packaged and maintained by the Ubuntu Sugar team, who welcome new contributors to test, document, triage, and make packages.

Sugar on Ubuntu 9.04 (jaunty)

Jaunty, the current Ubuntu release, has Sucrose 0.83 packages synced from Debian.


Installation instructions:

sudo apt-get install sugar sugar-activities

[satellit] 04/30/2009

  • NOTE 1: Also tried synaptic install of sugar, neither method runs correctly. sugar-emulator will not start, terminal: sugar-emulator shows errors and will not start.??

(VMworkstation 6.5.2 install (runnng Ubuntu 8,04 Hardy) and Ubuntu 9.04 VM install of Ubuntu 9.04 made 2Gb SD startup disk with persistence tested in EeePC900

both installations were updated before trying install of sugar.

Here are error messages from terminal:

robert@ubuntu:~$ sugar root window unavailible (maybe another wm is running?) /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/jarabe/desktop/meshbox.py:19: DeprecationWarning: the sha module is deprecated; use the hashlib module instead

 import sha

/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/jarabe/desktop/keydialog.py:17: DeprecationWarning: the md5 module is deprecated; use hashlib instead import md5 Traceback (most recent call last):

 File "/usr/bin/sugar-session", line 173, in <module>
 File "/usr/bin/sugar-session", line 134, in main
 File "/usr/bin/sugar-session", line 74, in cleanup_logs
   os.remove(os.path.join(root, f))

OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/robert/.sugar/default/logs/1241095852/datastore.log' robert@ubuntu:~$

sugar command Does not work from sudo either..

  • Note 2: Ubuntu 9.04 USB Startup disk program makes SD which can be updated. If you add user and switch to new user,

the Install icon goes away from the desktop and is now located in System Administration unlike Fedora 11 Preview where it is not removed from a user's desktop, And a system update fails.

  • Note 3: sugar-emulator in terminal results in a black screen with mouse coursor. Have to Alt-Tab get out..

Sugar on Ubuntu 8.10 (intrepid)

Intrepid, the previous Ubuntu release, has Sucrose 0.82 packages synced from Debian.


Installation instructions:

sudo apt-get install sugar sugar-activities

Running Sugar

Run sugar in a window under a gnome login, using the Applications menu > Other > Sugar Emulator, or running the following in a terminal:


If everything is working fine, you can log into Sugar from the gdm login screen instead of running sugar-emulator.


If you are experiencing problems after upgrading from 8.04 (Hardy), please do the following to uninstall the partially-upgraded packages:

sudo apt-get purge sugar sugar-\*

and repeat the installation command outlined above to install only the new packages.

Reporting Bugs

If you need log files for debugging, use the following command in a GNOME terminal (not Sugar Terminal) to run sugar with debug logs turned on:


This generates log files in the .sugar/default/logs directory under your home directory.

To report a bug on Sugar or one of the Sugar activities on Ubuntu, use the following steps:

  • Go to https://launchpad.net/sucrose which represents all the Sugar components and activities supported in Ubuntu.
  • Click on the appropriate component at the bottom of the page. If in doubt, click "Sugar shell" which is the base Sugar component.
  • On the resulting page, scroll down to "Packages" and click on the hardy or intrepid package.
  • On the resulting page, click on the "Bugs" tab at the top of the page.
  • That takes you to a page listing known bugs on the package, and with a red "Report a bug" button.

Please include any relevant log files in a bug report: activity log files usually are named similarly to "org.laptop.Chat-1.log" (which is the log file for Chat). If you have run the activity multiple times in the current Sugar session, there will be Chat-2, Chat-3, etc so try to include the appropriate one.

If a problem or bug involves seeing (or not seeing) people in Neighborhood View, or activity sharing/collaboration, please also include presenceservice.log in the bug report.

Please note: The Ubuntu Sugar team will do their best to provide fixes for bugs, but it does take time to get an updated package uploaded through Ubuntu's Stable Release Updates process. Where possible we'll suggest a workaround, or provide a fix in the Sugar Team PPA first.

Sugar on Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (hardy)

hardy includes an old version of Sugar, 0.79. You can install the current stable release of Sugar, 0.82, with the instructions below.

For bug reporting, please follow the instructions above as for intrepid.

Sugar 0.79.0

Old, but included in Hardy

Sugar was packaged in Universe for Hardy (Ubuntu 8.04) by Jani Monoses. The version packaged is 0.79.0, similar to the version in OLPC Release 8.1.0.

Installation instructions

There are extra packages in a PPA, including activities that could not be included in the Ubuntu archive due to license issues, as well as updated abiword packages.

We do recommend using the version 0.82 packages instead, as mentioned below:

Sucrose 0.82

Up-to-date version, extra repository

The Ubuntu packages were updated to the latest 0.82 point release in the Sugar Team PPA.

Installation instructions:

sudo -s
echo deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/sugarteam/ubuntu hardy main > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sugar.list
apt-get update 
apt-get install sugar sugar-emulator sugar-activities

ejabberd collaboration server on Ubuntu

We use ejabberd for a collaboration server. Ubuntu 8.10 ships with the required patches included in ejabberd, so you can install ejabberd, configure it and have working collaboration within minutes, using these installation instructions: http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Installing_ejabberd/deb

For Ubuntu 8.04 you need to build from source: http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Installing_ejabberd