Lemonade Stand


This is your basic "Lemonade Stand" style game, where the player manages a lemonade stand (or similar such store) and tries to make as much money as possible. The game is designed to incorporate money and fractional math skills to teach basic operations.

We plan to begin with a basic framework, e.g. text based command line, and work up based on free time. Ideally, the game will consist of graphics and a refined GUI front end, similar in look to the currently available flash implementations of Lemonade Stand (although more simplistic, being based in Python).

Localization will be implemented in the final phase, with the stand being written to use more regional ingredients and products.


We're looking to create a workable prototype with the ability to buy materials and sell a product.However, the most important goal is to have a working game. While possibly not feature complete, the game should have basic functions working.

Extra Features

Based on available time:

- Creating a GUI based game
- Incorporating counting of money (bills and coins) to make change
- Creating seasons to vary prices and product demand
- Possibly making materials perishable to increase difficulty
- Making an intuitive program that can be easily learned, and which has replay value
- Weather patterns impacting sales
- Advanced mode: changing the recipe for your "lemonade"
- Bargaining/haggling
- Random events that may influence supplies and/or cost and/or customers
- Potential use of network, competitive or cooperative modes
- Choosing location of Lemonade Stand within the town, would influence sales, cost of supplies, etc.

- Cool Random Events:

Ants steal your supplies

   -10% sugar

A lemon truck crashes in front of your stand

   +10 lemons

Potential Problems

Localization is likely to be a big problem in this game. Not simply translating the words, but also translating the idea, ie. finding out what kind of shop would be reasonable to open in a country, what it might stock, etc.

Updates and Milestones


4/28: Wiki reorganized, content added


4/24: Have everyone look at the current implementations.

5/1: produce a basic 'sugarized' build to work from. Implement price fluctuations.

5/8: Move to a 'graphical interface' based off of pyGTK or pygame. Add any art we have managed to collect where it seems appropriate.

Design Decisions

Is lemonade made at the beginning of the day (make all available lemonade at once) or on the fly (a customer asks for lemonade and it is made for them)? This is important as it impacts the resources from day to day. In the former, normally non-perishable objects like cups will be used if they can make another drink (even beyond demand), however in the latter, it makes the game easy if you stock up on resources and slowly sell them each day. This is usually mitigated by having perishable resources (lemons, etc) and variable prices.

Educational Standards

Standards found here

4.N.4 Select, use, and explain models to relate common fractions and mixed numbers (1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5, 1/6, 1/8, 1/10, 1/12, and 11/2), find equivalent fractions, mixed numbers, and decimals, and order fractions

4.N.6 Exhibit an understanding of the base ten number system by reading, naming, and writing decimals between 0 and 1 up to the hundredths.

4.N.10 Select and use appropriate operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) to solve problems, including those involving money.

4.D.3 Construct, draw conclusions, and make predictions from various representations of data sets, including tables, bar graphs, pictographs, line graphs, line plots, and tallies


Links and Resources

Coming soon!

Code so far

#!/usr/env python
# -*- coding: cp1252 -*-
import random
from counting import play_Money

#Generisize the names of supplys to make it easily editable
#[0] = name of the stand, [1] = first supply, [2] = second supply, [3] = third supply, [4] = the object that is being sold
variables = ['Lemonade Stand','cups','lemons','sugar','cups']

print 'Welcome to ' + variables[0]

def weather_Change( ):
    global weather
    weather = random.randint( -1, 1 )
    if weather == -1:
        print "It looks like its going to rain tomorrow"
    elif weather == 0:
        print "Its a normal day tomorrow"
    elif weather == 1:
        print "Tomorrow looks to be very hot"
def take_input(text, default = 0):
        in_text = input(text+" ["+`default`+"]: ")
        return default
    if in_text < 0:
        in_text = 0
    return in_text

def random_Event():
    global stored_sugar, stored_lemons, stored_cups
    event = random.randint(0, 10)   
    if event == 0:
        if stored_sugar > 10:
            stored_sugar -= 10
            print 'Ants steal your supplies!'
            stored_sugar = 0
    elif event == 1:

        print 'A lemon truck crashes in front of your stand!'
        stored_lemons += 10
    elif event == 2:

        print 'It starts raining cups!'
        stored_cups += 10

    print ""

#Decreases currently the supplys by 10% each day
def supply_Decay():
    global stored_sugar, stored_lemons, stored_cups
    if stored_sugar > 0:
        stored_sugar -= 10 % stored_sugar
    if stored_lemons > 0:
        stored_lemons -= 10 % stored_lemons
    if stored_cups > 0:
        stored_cups -= 10% stored_cups

    return -1
# default values
cup_price = .25
lemon_price = 1.00
sugar_price = .05
weather = 0
product_price = 1.50

#starting resources
bank = 100

stored_cups = 0
stored_lemons = 0
stored_sugar = 0

# take in input
num_days = take_input("How many days would you like to play for?", 30)

for day in range(1, num_days + 1):


    print ""
    print "____________________"
    print "     Day number " + `day`
    print "¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯" 
    print ""


    print "You have "+`stored_cups`+ " " + variables[1] + ", " +`stored_lemons`+ " " + variables[2] + ", and "+`stored_sugar`+ " " + variables[3] + " left."

    print variables[1] + " price: $" + `cup_price` + "     " +  variables[2] + " price: $"+ "%.2f" % lemon_price + "    " + variables[3] + " price: $"+ "%.2f" % sugar_price

    expenses = 0

    cost_over = 1

    #Checks to make sure you dont go over your bank amount while buying. 

    while cost_over == 1:

        potential_expense = 0
        in_num = take_input("How many " + variables[1])
        potential_expense = expenses + (in_num * cup_price)

        if potential_expense < bank:
            cost_over = -1
            expenses += in_num * cup_price
            stored_cups += in_num
            print 'You cant afford that many ' + variables[1]

    cost_over = 1

    while cost_over == 1:

        potential_expense = 0
        in_num = take_input("How many " + variables[2])
        potential_expense = expenses + (in_num * cup_price)

        if potential_expense < bank:
            cost_over = -1
            expenses += in_num * lemon_price
            stored_lemons += in_num
            print 'You cant afford that many ' + variables[2]

    cost_over = 1

    while cost_over == 1:

       potential_expense = 0
       in_num = take_input("How much " + variables[3])
       potential_expense = expenses + (in_num * cup_price)

       if potential_expense < bank:
           cost_over = -1
           expenses += in_num * sugar_price
           stored_sugar += in_num

           print 'You can not afford that many ' + variables[3]


    # Option 1: make maximum available
    #stored_cups -= today
    #stored_lemons -= today
    #stored_sugar -= today
    #print `today`+" cups made for $"+`expenses`

    #default value
    sales = max(min(stored_cups, stored_lemons, stored_sugar),0)

    # Option 2: make as many as requested
    stored_cups -= sales
    stored_lemons -= sales
    stored_sugar -= sales
    if weather == 0:
        sales -= 10 % sales
    elif weather == -1:
        sales -= 20 % sales

    print `sales`+ ' ' + variables[4]+ " made for $"+ "%.2f" % expenses

    profit = sales * product_price
    print `sales`+ " " + variables[4] +" were sold today for $"+ "%.2f" % profit
    print "You made $"+ "%.2f" % (profit - expenses)+" today."
    if (profit - expenses) <= 0:
        print "You lost money today"
        print "You go to put profits away"
        if play_Money( int(profit - expenses) ) == 1:
            print "you put the money away correctly"
            bank += profit - expenses
            print "You lost the money when putting it away"
    print "Current funds: $"+ "%.2f" % bank

print "Done!"

Counting code

dollar = 1
quarter = .25
dime = .10
nickel = .05
penny = .01

def take_input(text, default = 0):
        in_text = input(text+" ["+`default`+"]: ")
        return default
    if in_text < 0:
        in_text = 0
    return in_text

def play_Money( money_Find ):
    global quarter, dime, nickel, penny
    total = 0
    #Takes the amount of money
    total += dollar*take_input( "How many dollars? ") 

    total += quarter*take_input( "How many quarters? ") 

    total += dime*take_input( "How many dimes? ")

    total += nickel*take_input( "How many nickels? ")

    total += penny*take_input( "How many pennies? ")
    if total == money_Find:
        return 1
        return -1