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Sucrose Development

Sucrose 0.85.x is an unstable development series intended for testing and development purposes. Sucrose uses odd minor version numbers to indicate development status, so this unstable 0.85.x series will eventually become the 0.86 stable release.



Date Task Notes
2009 Jun 01 Release goals proposal
Jun 29 New modules proposal
Jul 29 Sucrose 0.85.1 Tarballs Due
Jul 30 Sucrose 0.85.1 Development Release
Sucrose 0.85.2 Tarballs Due
Sucrose 0.85.2 Development Release
Sucrose 0.85.3 Tarballs Due
Sucrose 0.85.3 Development Release
Aug 20 Sucrose 0.85.- Tarballs Due
Aug 21 Sucrose 0.85 Beta 1 (0.85.-) Feature, API, String freeze
Sucrose 0.85.5 Tarballs Due
Sucrose 0.85 Release Candidate 1 (0.83.5)
Sucrose 0.85.6 Tarballs Due
Sucrose 0.85.6 Release Candidate 2 (0.85.6)
Sep 17 Sucrose 0.86 Tarballs Due Hard code freeze
Sep 18 Sucrose 0.86 Final Release!

Glucose Development Team/Release/Modules

Fructose Development Team/Release/Modules

Glucose Dependencies

Fructose Dependencies

  • pyabiword
  • hulahop

Proposal Goals

Switch to a standard compliant window manager (possibly Metacity)

New toolbar widget


  • tabs support (open popup windows in tabs, saving of tabs history, standard behavior of Browse should not change -> no open tab by default)
  • better naming of files to be uploaded (change temp name to something based on the title)
  • export for offline viewing (Web page - HTML only, Web page - Complete)
  • creating of web pages (highlighting support in Write, Activity with special HTML based features(can happen outside of the official cycle))
    • bookmarks (global bookmarks, at the moment we only have session bookmarks and the autocompletion functionality)

Tags in the Journal

  • auto completion for already existing tags, tag clouds

More Accelerators (short cuts)

  • make sure we use the accelerators where possible, get discussion about which modifiers to use for which settings as early as possible going

Printing support

Search in home view

  • the search is recently builds disabled


Flash activities


  • tagging buddies to build up relations, tagging can happen by a teacher tagging a class or the learner can tag himself

List views

  • in the mesh view a list view of the access points
  • switching to use gtk-tree-view for the lists (journal, activity) - this has accessibility support already

Mesh View

  • use buddy color to seed the position to get a more stable positioning in the mesh view

Ad-hoc networking

  • as an alternative to the mesh


Keyboard control panel extension

  • (Sayamindu would prefer to keep it as a seperate module, since everyone may not choose to go with XKB)

Dictionary support in the shell

  • link to email here

CP - Language in native language

  • link to ticket here


  • de-couple the portfolio from the base TA

Library activity

Old items

Proposed modules
