Development Team/Obsolete/sugar-port


A set of sugar components/libraries/etc to simplify writing activities.
Cornerstone purposes for this project:

  • Total backwards compatibility for sugar-port API
  • Run on all sugar platforms beginning from 0.82
  • Wrap sugar(like filers in ObjectChooser) and non-sugar(like json issue in python2.5/2.6) differences

sugar-port should be a bridge between all(in ideal) already deployed sugar versions and activities i.e. it provides backwards compatibility(so the same activity code will work on all sugars) and at the same time provides features from newest sugar(so the same activity code will use last sugar features).


In most cases, to prevent dependencies issue, sugar-port could be embedded to activity's directories tree.
There is no need to include the whole sugar-port project only the files you are using directly - sugar-port's files don't import each other.


Running on all sugar platforms doesn't mean the same functionality on all sugar versions. It means only running without errors and keeping functionality the same as much as possible.
