
Select and use appropriate operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) to solve problems, including those involving money.

Who is working on this objective?


What sugar activity satisfies this objective?

GCompris Money 11 GCompris Money Cents 11

Information passed from the activity?

  • .question_identification

What information does the reporter need to determine?

  • question_identification
  • .cache_when_incorrect

Ouput to the teacher

Student Total Questions answered Correct Submissions Incorrect Submissions % Correct Submissions Yes / No
Billy 100 82 18 82% Yes
... ... ... ... ... ...
Entire Class 1000 800 200 80% Yes

How do we know the student understands?

A student understands the basic use of the addition and subtraction of money if the percent of times they over pay initially, followed by correct payment is higher than 70%.