


Some introductory words what the activity is like. Any special things you like to mention that happened during the release cycle etc

More Info: link to get some further info about the activity

What is new for users

What are the user visible changes. New short cuts. Features. Nice to back this up with images.

What is new for developers

What might be interesting to know for a developer contributing to the component. Add 'No News' if there is nothing of interest.

Internationalization (i18n) and Localization (l10n)

Will be generated by the translation team


Note here if compatibility to an older version of the activity or an older Sucrose version (e.g. 0.84) broke

Detailed changes

  • Able to download Data URIs #1029 (Lucian Branescu)
  • Don't choke on Lang=C #979
  • Object chooser remains shown after activity has been closed #1192
  • Refine image and link right click palette #815
    • image: 'Keep image', Copy 'image'
    • link: 'Keep link', Copy link', Follow link'
  • Toolbars:
    • Move the edit and view options of the toolbar to the left
    • Fix session-bookmark button
    • Center the address bar
    • adopt to toolbar API change (expanded property is now set_expanded(state))
  • Features/New Toolbar Design - Adopt to the new activity toolbar design
  • Features/Tabs In Browse - New pages will open in a new tab similarly to other browsers (though this feature isn't proposing any way for the user to explicitly open any link in a new tab).
  • Put the download url in the description field of the metadata
  • Browse hangs when trying to open file:/// #456
  • Don't pick up the sugar theme #684
  • Add a static welcome-page #645
  • Fix Autocompletion and File upload #670


Name the contributors here