Talk:Sugar on a Stick/Linux

SoaS Fedora matrix

disc image files
alpha -- Fedora 10 (unavailable as of 04 October 2009)
alpha, beta -- Fedora 11
beta -- Fedora 11
v1 Strawberry Fedora 11
v2 alpha, beta -- Fedora 12
v2 beta -- Fedora 12
v2 Blueberry Fedora 12
The snapshots subfolder number now matches the release lineage version number. Before 04 October 2009 it referred to the Fedora version since the original SoaS (1 = Fedora 10, 2 = Fedora 11, 3 = Fedora 12), but the subfolders have be repurposed (the filenames, e.g., Soas2-YYYYMMDDHHMM.iso, still bear the original series number code).

Remove openSuSE section?

I haven't wanted to remove the openSuSE section because I'm loathe to start another flamewar, but it seems out of place: the page says "This page helps you to put your Sugar on a Stick image on a USB flash drive under Linux.", but the openSuSE section isn't about this. The openSuSE SoaS image is already on the Sugar on a Stick page along with all the other images.

As the openSuSE section is not about how to put a .iso onto a removable drive, does anyone object to it being removed?

No this page is not about how to put an .iso on a removable drive, but how to run sugar-desktop on removable USB/SD drives in Linux. The openSUSE version is a .raw image that is burned to a stick by the dd command. It creates a usb stick that boots sugar-desktop with 55 applications. It is a valid way to access sugar and its applications. I personally think that it belongs here. [satellit 08/02/2009]

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