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The Sugar Labs Meetings calendar is available in a variety of formats at these links: XML.gif ICal.gif HTML.gif

Upcoming Agenda


  • Quick update about what we have been working on and eventually the problems we have run into.
  • Discussion about the implementation details of tickets we are planning to work on. Figure out how to split up the work and who should be owning the various parts.
  • Questions from activity authors about specific aspects of the platform and more in general on how to better integrate their activity in Sugar. Report about problems they run into.
  • Help out new contributors to figure out where to start. Point out the tickets we need help with, discuss with them the implementation.


The meeting is mainly targeted to Sugar core and activity developers, but everyone interested is welcome to join. It's primary purpose is to try to open the development up a bit, make it more transparent and allow the community to participate more easily. For when to join see 'When and Where'.

How to add topics

You can add the topics that you want to discuss during the week to the topics section for the meeting. They will be collected during the week and send out in the meeting announcement on Thursday morning.

Upcoming Meetings

Previous Meetings

Thursday 10 September 2009 14:00 UTC


Development Team/Meetings/Logs/September 10 2009


  • Improving testing, triaging and bugfixing
    • test plans
    • testing meetings
    • triaging
  • Fructose Activities: in/out

Tuesday 1st September 2009 16:00 UTC


Development Team/Meetings/Logs/September 01 2009


Release process
  • Sascha: Schedule too tight for GSoC projects, no time for the review process.
  • Sascha: i think the release process is fine so far. code review could be improved, but we're already on it.
  • Tomeu: we have one pending feature freeze exceptions: Hamilton Chua has proposed that we merge his code for registering with a school server. It has already one +1, it needs one more.
  • Gary: feature freeze seemed a little 'slushy' this time, we still need to merge the new toolbars for some activities in Sucrose.
  • Aleksey: we missed the chance of having (or so) in 0.86 to share .xol/jobjects -- I think the problem is that we don't have an engineering committee. Aleksey will restart discussion on this in the mailing list.
  • Ben: the development mailing list is the engineering committee. I'm just trying to avoid the creation of more unnecessary committees, meeting, and IRC traffic.
  • Gary: window layering bugs in our metacity usage block testing to some point
  • Tomeu: we'll have to go back to matchbox if we cannot fix that
  • Sascha: Issues with the Alt key
  • Ben: I think the most helpful thing would be to release up-to-date emulation images.
  • Simon: we need to organize the bug work: hold triaging sessions, fix bugs and produce images that people can test.
  • Ben: I think it should be a high priority for all bugs in trac to be correctly prioritized and targeted.
  • Ben: IMHO, our target should be "ready for deployment by OLPC to hundreds of thousands of children on the XO-1.5".
  • Simon: I would say - we need to propose a build on the ml and ask for testing
  • Tomeu: so we should update the rpms, several fixes landed since the last ones. I will do it tomorrow.
  • Thomas: I can help here via vmware and usb/sd testing have f12 edu spin on sd now
  • Simon: I will work with Gary on toolbars
  • Rafael: I'll help with testing, having the emulation images...
  • Ben: I think an official proclamation of a "Bug Hunt" on the mailing list would help, once we are ready. Maybe with periodic updates as to who has discovered the most bugs, and who has killed the most? Almost like a competition.
  • Sascha: how about the doing a bug hunt contest and the winner gets their favourite feature in? ;)
  • Sebastian: one thing I'd like to raise is that we might need immediate packaging after 0.86 is out (since we might otherwise conflict with F12's feature freeze)
Journal view extensions
  • Aleksey: would be extensions like the cp sections are and bundled like activities
  • Aleksey: deploy extensions like from ASLO, at the end
  • Benjamin: insecure, frame devices and control panel plugins are not designed to be easily modified, because they have tremendous system access.
  • Sascha: so what's the advantage of Journal plugins/extensions of activities interfacing directly with the data store?
  • Tomeu: time ran out, let's discuss code review and journal view extensions to the next week meeting

28th August 2009


Development Team/Meetings/Logs/August 28 2009


  • Gonzalo Chevarria presented the project on which he works:
  • CIXOS-FIA is currently composed by 16 people and is organized in these groups: Web development, Python development, XO support, Volunteers and Logistics.
  • This group wants to work together in improving Sugar with other similar groups.
  • Has been proposed the creation of a mailing list to be used for development issues in spanish:
  • A report about usage of the XO in Peru is going to be published very soon, issues will be reported to the OLPC and Sugar Labs bug trackers.

2 July 2009

18 June 2009

  • Topic: Sugarizing of Web apps (by Lucian Branescu Mihaila)
  • Calendar: event
  • Summary, log

Thursday May 21 2009 - 16.15 (UTC)


Thursday May 21 2009 - 14.00 (UTC)


Development Team/Meetings/Logs/May 21 2009


0.86 roadmap discussion

Thursday February 26 2009 - 16.00 (UTC)


a) Bug review. What bugs are hot in the 0.84 release?

Thursday February 19 2009 - 14.00 (UTC)




Thursday January 22 2009 - 14.00 (UTC)



a) February the 13th is the due date for our Sucrose 0.83 Release Candidate 1 (Development Team/Release/Roadmap#Schedule). What needs to happen in the next weeks to get there?

b) Update Development Team/TODO list

c) Auto-authentication for Browse when visiting web-based tools on the XS it has registered to (guest speaker Martin Langhoff)

d) What about the activity updater?

Thursday January 15 2009 - 15.00 (UTC)



a) Feature freeze: are we ready? what next?

b) update TODO list

c) How long to support "old" versions of Sugar (Debian lenny might ship 0.82)

Thursday December 11 2008 - 14.00 (UTC)



a) Schedule: adjust feature freeze

b) create a short term TODO list of items (i.e. collaboration rock) and find owners and priorities

c) developer items for the getting involved page (things/ideas that someone that have a bit of free time can help with, should be doable in a two weeks time frame)

d) gitorious (which tags to use, proper naming policies etc)

e) trac (add the needed milestones...)