Platform Team/Package Management System


Increase level of compartmentalization in Sucrose.

Detailed Description

This proposal assumes that the core of sugar development(in common sense) is variety of developers rather then developers who are taking part in sugar core(glucose) development. So, it's all about seeing from activity/3rd-party developers.

From such new core POV, sugar development process will look like:

  • variety of sugar activities
  • that use Sugar Services

So, developers use a set of services that have theirs own API changes based schedules. Existed glucose could be treated as a big service and splited to several components but thats not a task for this proposal. Instead, it's about proposing basic infrastructure of Sugar Services and several services that are not part of glucose.

The corner stone of Sugar Services proposal is Saccharin service. This service provides installing/upgrading(via Zero Install integration) mechanism for all other services. The rest of services is just variety of sugar libraries/dbus-services.

List of services

  • saccharin, core service
  • widgets, UI layer which could assimilate various sugar releases changes e.g. let activity developers use new toolbars even in 0.82 environment and do not use many ifs in code
  • bugsreport
  • sugargames
  • ...

Versioning scheme

Each service has API changes based versioning scheme

  • the major version starts from 0(premature state) and describes API backwards compatibility breakage
  • the minor version is for bugfixes and features that don't break backwards compatibility

Benefit to Sugar

Make sugar environment more straightforward by decoupling core from other stuff and using tough and well maintainable dbus API to let activities run on all (in ideal) deployed Sugar platforms.
