Sugar 0.88 Accepted Features

These features have been accepted by the Release Manager for the Sugar 0.88 Release.

Complete Name Summary Updated
95% Enhanced color selector This is an enhancement to the color selector used in the About Me control panel and the initialization screen (same behavior but a different code base). It enables the user to cycle through color choices as well as jump randomly, which is the current default behavior. 17-11-2009
80% 3G Support Allow the Sugar user to connect to 3G networks. 11-01-2010
10% Enhanced Gettext Enhanced Gettext adds an extra search path for translation files for Sugar activities. This would allow deployments to add and update activity translations independently of the release process. 11-01-2010
25% Write to journal anytime Replacement for the Naming Alert that lets you write to the Journal at any time while working on an activity. 11-01-2010
10% Font configuration Distributors/deployers need a way to be able to customize the Sugar font size. 11-01-2010
80% Dotted_Activity_Versions Dotted Activity Version Number 09-02-2010

Feature Process

  • The process for adding, proposing, and accepting new features into Sugar is on the Features/Policy page.
  • The deadline for proposing and completing new features is the Feature Freeze on the 0.88 Schedule
  • See this compilation of Feature testing pages, 0.88/Testing.
  • Feature pages in process but not targeted for a particular release can be found in Category:Feature Page Incomplete