Deployment Team/Meetings/Minutes/2008-12-10
< Deployment Team | Meetings
Revision as of 19:15, 24 February 2010 by Cjl (talk | contribs) (moved Walter is a wanker 8/Meetings/Minutes/2008-12-10 to Deployment Team/Meetings/Minutes/2008-12-10 over redirect: revert)
- Fund-raising status
- Local Labs
- Sugar deployments
- Status update of SugarLabs Colombia
- Most urgent needs from deployments
We discussed too many topics,
- For starters we agree on putting. grants/sponsorship opportunities for all countries on the wiki and walter agreed on putting a grant section on Sugar's digest.
- We talked about draft MOU agreement between SL and local entities.Deployment Team/Local_Lab_MOU
- We agree with the fact that local labs should be legally independent if possible and should follow MOU agreement with SL.
- A local partner organization could be non-profit or profit.
- Walter to ask SFC about if a local Organization could be a direct part of SL.
- Walter to talk with OLPC-UY lawyer to get some help for aa and pflores.
- Icarito to work on principles shared by local organization and SL.
- We need to start poking people form nepal, africa (Ed), asia.