Set up

Below is the recipe that we used to set up the php server. Please see puppet for up to date configuration details.

Install required php modules

pear config-set preferred_state beta 
pear install Archive_Zip

Create user to run scripts

Make sure that all files in /srv/activities

  • has apache(web-data) user
  • activities group
  • group write access
  • umask is 002

Switch to activities user

sudo -i -u activities

Set up NFS mount points

Create directories

mkdir -p ~/files
mkdir -p ~/staging

Add the following lines to the end of `/etc/fstab' /srv/activities/files nfs rsize=8192,wsize=8192,timeo=14,intr /srv/activities/staging nfs rsize=8192,wsize=8192,timeo=14,intr

First-time ASLO setup

Using ~/aslo/config.php as template, setup ASLO settings in file ~/site/app/config/config.php. Template file was configured for dev environment, switch it to production by setting SITE_STATE variable to production.

Setup other env defines in file ~/site/app/config/config-local.php

define('DEBUG', 0);
define('DEV', false);
define('QUERY_CACHE', true);

Crontab for activities user

@hourly $HOME/aslo/cron/hourly
# do not use @daily to make sure that we start job after aslo-proxy
01 08 * * * $HOME/aslo/cron/daily