Sugar on a Stick/Mirabelle
Test results
Nightly build | Tested by | Boots? | Neighborhood? | Browse | Etoys | Chat | Terminal | Turtle Art | IRC | Log | Write | Record | Physics | Read |
20100429.16.iso | Mchua | yes | with telepathy-gabble update | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes, but no book files to open |
Smoke tests
- Boot: Does it boot? Can you choose a name and colors, and navigate through the Neighborhood/Friends/Home/Journal screens?
- Neighborhood? Can you get on Jabber and see other Sugar users in your Neighborhood? (This also implies that wifi works.)
- Activity tests: For each Activity, the following criteria must be met:
- The Activity starts from Home view.
- You can perform a basic action in the Activity (for instance, loading a webpage in Browse, or joining a channel with IRC, or typing some words in Write.)
- The Activity can be stopped via the button in the Frame.
- The Activity session is saved in the Journal.