zyx-liveinstaller Instructions for Mirabelle f13

A new version of zyx-liveinstaller is required for f13

  • In running SOAS root terminal
wget http://cloudsession.com/dawg/downloads/zyx-liveinstaller/zyx-liveinstaller-0.2.4-1.noarch.rpm
rpm- Uvh zyx-liveinstaller-0.2.4-1.noarch.rpm
  • OR
  • download to desktop


  • Drag-drop into opened soas usb on desktop
  • Boot USB then
cd /mnt/live
rpm- Uvh zyx-liveinstaller-0.2.4-1.noarch.rpm
  • follow install zyx-liveinstaller instructions [1]

Blog about using zyx-liveinstaller to install to HD(Spanish)


md5sum doesn't match

SHA1SUM file from download directory does...

Danceswithcars 15:31, 12 December 2009 (UTC)

Loading WiFi driver for Classmate 3

1. Download rt2870.bin from ralinktech.com (Be sure to download the Linux version).

2. Copy the .bin file into /lib/firmware

cp rt2870.bin /lib/firmware

3. You need to load the RPM Fusion repository for Fedora

sudo rpm -i http://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/fedora/rpmfusion-free-release-stable.noarch.rpm


sudo rpm -i http://bit.ly/Fs7c7

4. yum install the driver

sudo yum install akmod-rt2870

Note: Step 4 is going to eat up lots of disk space.

Get help section is redundant to Sugar_help page

This help section should perhaps be moved to the general Sugar_help page, or be limited specifically to help with Sugar-on-a-Stick, and be cross-referenced to that page. There's a lot of redundant information here.

Also, Is the answers portal still recommended for use? The Sugar_help page doesn't link there or suggest its use.

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