Talk:Sugar on a Stick/deja-dup

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Revision as of 12:52, 17 May 2010 by Satellit (talk | contribs) (Instructions on how to use deja-dup BACKUP with soas-v2-Blueberry)
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Deja-dup Backup soas-v2-Blueberry

Déjà Dup provides a nice graphical interface for backing up your SoaS live USB/SD installation

Déjà Dup is a simple backup tool. It hides the complexity of doing backups the 'right way' (encrypted, off-site, and regular) and uses Duplicity as the backend.


  • Support for local or remote backup locations, including Amazon S3
  • Securely encrypts and compresses your data
  • Incrementally backs up, letting you restore from any particular backup
  • Schedules regular backups
  • Integrates well into your GNOME desktop


  • Download rpm to Your PC Desktop:
  • Insert Blueberry USB into running PC
  • drag drop deja-dup-11.1-1.fc12.i686.rpm into opened USB on desktop
  • safely close USB and remove it
  • Boot PC with SoaS-v2-Blueberry USB
  • In the Terminal Activity
yum install
cd /mnt/live/
rpm -uvh deja-dup-11.1-1.fc12.i686.rpm

How back up your Soas Mirabelle installation

  • Insert a 2nd USB storage device (formatted fat32)
  • In the Terminal Activity
  • Graphical application starts

Initial Configuration

  • edit/Preferences (on top bar of window)
  • Backup location: other / places /<your 2nd USB device> <open> (scroll up to find your device)
  • Include files in folders ( Home folder is selected) /Add / File system /mnt/live/ <Open>
  • Close


  • in the Terminal (as the default liveuser account)
  • Graphical application starts
  • Backup

Restore to a new replacement SoaS live USB device

  • In the Terminal Activity
    yum install duplicity deja-dup
  • Repeat initial configuration (listed above)
  • Insert 2nd USB device with backup done previously
  • In Terminal
  • Graphical application starts
  • Restore


  • Use a dedicated USB device for Backups for EACH Live USB device you are working with.
  • Keep and mark them in pairs.
  • Backs up and restores
liveOS and syslinux directories
  (Overlay-live-xxx (persistence)
   OSmin.img Squashfs.img files
  • Does Not back up the Sugar Journal
  • Use the same soas.iso to make a replacement USB device for Restoration.


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