Lemonade Stand/Developer Documentation

< Lemonade Stand
Revision as of 16:35, 11 November 2010 by Qalthos (talk | contribs)

There are three files which handle the running of Lemonade Stand. They are broken up into data, logic, and GUI drawing.

Data: constants.py

The easiest file to get into is constants.py. This file has collections of all the different modifiable elements in the game, along with any important constants, like starting money or lemonade price.

Each section consists of a dictionary or list, possibly containing more dictionaries. To change a value in the game, simply make the corresponding change in the file. For example, to make sugar cost $.07 per unit instead of $.05, cahnge 'cost': 5 to 'cost': 7 under 'Sugar'.

Logic: LemonadeMain.py

There are a lot of methods for querying the state of the logic in here, but the most important ones are process_day_logic(), process_change(), and process_day_end()

process_day_logic() is the main method which calculates how many items you can buy, calculates how many customers show up at your shop, and how many drinks you manage to sell to your customers that day. in other words, it gets run to calculate the outcome of the 'day' phase.

process_change() runs the user's input against the change-counting algorithm to see if the user has picked the correct amount. If the amount is right, it allows the player to proceed, otherwise it prompts the player that he has not succeeded and restarts the input.

process_day_end() simply calls all events that happen at the end of the day, like random events, weather changes, etc. If a new type of event is introduced it should probably get called here.

GUI: LemonadeGui.py

This file is broken up into a number of small methods each tasked with drawing one discrete element of the GUI. These methods are then called by the draw() method which is in turn called when the game engine detects that something has changed on the screen.