Linux Mint Debian Edition

Revision as of 06:33, 4 January 2011 by Satellit (talk | contribs) (→‎2GB Live USB: tested from DL; boots fine)

Linux Mint Debian (LMDE)

Release Announcement
(these are copied from that site)
   * All Mint 10 features
   * 64-bit support
   * Performance boost (using cgroup, the notorious “4 lines of code better than 200″ in user-space)
   * Installer improvements (multiple HDDs, grub install on partitions, swap allocation, btrfs support)
   * Better fonts (Using Ubuntu’s libcairo, fontconfig and Ubuntu Font Family) and language support (ttf-wqy-microhei, ttf-sazanami-mincho, ttf-sazanami-gothic installed by default)
   * Better connectivity and hardware support (pppoe, pppoeconf, gnome-ppp, pppconfig, libgl1-mesa-dri, libgl1-mesa-glx, libgl1-mesa-dev, mesa-utils installed by default)
   * Better sound support (addressing conflicts between Pulse Audio and Flash)
   * Updated software and packages

[ Direct download link]
LMDE uses rolling updates; so once installed it becomes current version each time it is updated.
Use linuxmint-debian-201101-gnome-dvd-i386.iso older versions (including torrents) were bad

Notes for Installation on VirtualBox 4.0

Use gparted on Live DVD to format the 8-10 GB Virtualbox HD
/boot ext4 500 /7000 ext4 swap=balance
Install to HD
edit partitions to format as ext4 and as /boot; /; and swap
Finish installation and reboot
  • Note this same procedure works to install to a 8GB USB

2GB Live USB

A Fast (ADVANCED) Method
Great for Netbooks without a CD/DVD drive
  1. Boot Netbook from this non-persistent Live USB to test linuxmint-debian-201101-gnome
  2. Use it to Install to HD
  • tested from DL; boots fine (satellit 01/04/2011)

Download: linuxmint-debian-201101-gnome-dvd-i386.img

How to write to USB;
Download to desktop
Use "mount command to see USB address: ie: /dev/sdb; /dev/sdc; /dev/sdd....etc
Or use gparted to see USB address
dd command is VERY DANGEROUS; if you use wrong address you will distroy your Hard Drive with no warning.
In root terminal #:
cd Desktop
dd if=linuxmint-debian-201101-gnome-dvd-i386.img of=/dev/sd(x)

How to Make a 2GB Installer USB

Use the 32 bit version to make a 32 bit USB and 64 bit to make 64 bit USB
  • From Virtualbox4.0 Appliance (either 32 or 64 version)
1-)Start Virtual Appliance
2-):Download linuxmint-debianxxx.iso to desktop
Use i386 version with intel PC and AMD 64 Version on AMD PC
3-)in root terminal:
aptitude install unetbootin
(Install occurs)
4-)Right click on Desktop>create launcher/application/name:unetbooin/Command: unetbootin/OK
Click on unetbootin icon to start application:
[x]Diskimage/[...]/file system/home/(user)/Desktop/xxxx.iso
5-) Insert 2GB USB -(it will show in Type "USB Dive" "Drive": drop down window) <OK>
6-)"Installation Complete Reboot <exit>
7-) Shutdown VirtualBox Appliance
  • Use USB to boot PC and choose Install
AMD 64 USB will ONLY Boot on AMD 64 PC
i386 USB Boots all of the rest.

Add Sugar 0.88.1

  • Note errors "no xpcom server"

sugar does not work on i386 version

However if build is done with the 64 bit version on an AMD64 PC; you can export it; import it and run it on a MacBook Air
(DVD will not start on the MacBook Air with VirtualBox 4.0.1)
Import does not run on Acer Aspire One
(these are copies from that site)
in root terminal:
Use one of the following on Squeeze/Sid to install officially available parts of either Sugar branch:
(these are copied from that site)
aptitude install sucrose-0.84
aptitude install sucrose-0.86
aptitude install sucrose-0.88


32 bit

[ LMDE 201101 32-bit re-spin] Read First

Use this link :linuxmint-debian-201101-gnome-dvd-i386.iso

Do Updates after install (177 updates on 01/10/2011) satellit
  • Note errors "no xpcom server"

sugar does not work on 32 bit

after 177 updates get same errors:
Xephyr on :30.0 starts on click to change color but no arrows <- or -> to go back or proceed to desktop

The installer is running now. Let's see what the fun will be after the reboot.

64 bit AMD
64 bit loads sugar correctly

32 bit linuxmint-debian sugar-desktop fails with "aptitude install sucrose-0.88"
Re: Black screen in lmde on nvidia cards , how to fix.

Postby ahulsbos on Sun Dec 26, 2010 8:25 am I ran into the same problem with my Compaq nc 8000 laptop, which sports an ATI Mobility Radeon 9600. Just adding "nomodeset" before the "--" in the boot line didn't help. However, in compatibility mode the "/var/log/Xorg.0.log" file yielded a clue:

(EE) VESA: Kernel modesetting driver in use, refusing to load

It turned out the "radeon" driver was being loaded as well as the "vesa" one (you could see it happening as the font of the terminal changed). So this enabled me to start the installation process: edit the compatibility mode boot line to add both "nomodeset" and "radeon.modeset=0".


squeeze release notes