Platform Team/Guide/Sweets Usage

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Revision as of 22:44, 5 January 2011 by Alsroot (talk | contribs)

This guide describes how to use Doers environment for developing core modules.


  • Install PackageKit and PackageKit authentication agent from native packages. On Debian based systems, these packages are packagekit and packagekit-gnome (for Gnome Desktop Environment).
  • PackageKit authentication agent should be launched to let sweets command install dependencies. Usually it is being started after being logged in to DE session (it isn't for Sugar session).
  • Download and launch self-extracted installer.
  • Installer will add ~/.local/bin directory to the PATH. So, relogin from X session to take into account new PATH.

Clone the sources

To checkout sugar project sources:

sweets --deep clone sugar

Where --deep says sweets process all dependencies.

Each project will be placed to to default ~/sweets directory. These are regular sources clones with one exception, each project contains sweets.recipe spec file. Projects might be closed in regular way, sweets clone is just convenient method since some of projects are gitorious clones.

Launch sugar

To launch sugar session:

sweets sugar

or to run from Xephyr:

sweets sugar:emulator

During the first launch, sources will be build. To rebuild them at any time:

sweets -ff make sweet

Current limitations

  • glucose needs to be patched, thus these are gitorious forks.
  • packages cannot be build from sources without cloning
  • for now, sweets knowns only about glucose dependencies to install them from native packages in Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, Mandriva, openSUSE and Gentoo.