Wiki Team/Guide/Formatting

< Wiki Team‎ | Guide
Revision as of 14:49, 24 January 2011 by FGrose (talk | contribs) (→‎Code Examples: space in column1 before <nowiki> example)

For a quick overview of wiki markup see the Wiki Team/Guide/Overview!

Text will show up just as you type it (provided you begin it in the first column). Multiple spaces are compressed, and line endings are ignored (except blank lines).

Use a blank line to start a new paragraph. Multiple blank lines add more vertical space.

Wiki markup code is supposed to be simple and easy to learn. You can also use most HTML markup, if you prefer it, except for links.


Use these to change fonts:

Description You type You get
Italic text ''italic'' italic
Bold text '''bold''' bold
Bold and italic '''''bold & italic''''' bold & italic
Fixed-width <tt>fixed width font </tt> fixed width font
underscore <u>underscored text</u> underscored text


It is often useful to divide articles into sections and subsections. The following markup can be used. You must begin these on a new line.

Heading You type You get HTML tags
level 1 ==Section heading==

Section heading

level 2 ===Subsection heading===

Subsection heading

level 3 ====Sub-sub section heading====

Sub-sub section heading

level 4 =====Sub-sub-sub section heading=====
Sub-sub-sub section heading

An article with four or more headings will automatically create a table of contents. Using HTML heading tags also creates proper section headings and a table of contents entry.


Wiki markup makes lists fairly easy:

List type You type: You get:
Bullet list

* one
* two
* three
** three and one-third
** three and two-thirds

  • one
  • two
  • three
    • three and one-third
    • three and two-thirds
Numbered list

# one
# two<br>spanning several lines<br>
without breaking the numbering
# three
## three point one
## three point two

  1. one
  2. two
    spanning several lines
    without breaking the numbering
  3. three
    1. three point one
    2. three point two
Mixture of bulleted
and numbered lists

# one
# two
#* two point one
#* two point two

  1. one
  2. two
    • two point one
    • two point two
Definition list

:item 1
:item 2

item 1
item 2
  • See also Template:Definition table
  • HTML lists are also allowed
  • Blank lines should be avoided, they break list numbering and sub-list. Use <br> instead.


Linking is covered in a separate page: Wiki Team/Guide/Links

Code Examples

Text which does not begin in the first column will be shown indented, in a fixed width font. This is appropriate for showing computer code or command examples, such as this famous little program:

    printf("Hello, World!\n");
  • Coding format may be embedded in a line of regular text with the <code>code text</code> wiki syntax.
  • Blocks of pre-existing code (often with structured linebreaks) may be preserved by entering a space before  <nowiki> in the first wiki page column as in this example:
<nowiki>class DatastoreResultSet(BaseResultSet):
    """Encapsulates the result of a query on the datastore
    def __init__(self, query, page_size):

        if query.get('query', '') and not query['query'].startswith('"'):
            query_text = ''
            words = query['query'].split(' ')
            for word in words:
                if word:
                    if query_text:
                        query_text += ' '
                    query_text += word + '*'

            query['query'] = query_text

        BaseResultSet.__init__(self, query, page_size)

    def find(self, query):
        entries, total_count = _get_datastore().find(query, PROPERTIES,

        for entry in entries:
            entry['mountpoint'] = '/'

        return entries, total_count</nowiki>

The result looks like the following:

class DatastoreResultSet(BaseResultSet):
    """Encapsulates the result of a query on the datastore
    def __init__(self, query, page_size):

        if query.get('query', '') and not query['query'].startswith('"'):
            query_text = ''
            words = query['query'].split(' ')
            for word in words:
                if word:
                    if query_text:
                        query_text += ' '
                    query_text += word + '*'

            query['query'] = query_text

        BaseResultSet.__init__(self, query, page_size)

    def find(self, query):
        entries, total_count = _get_datastore().find(query, PROPERTIES,

        for entry in entries:
            entry['mountpoint'] = '/'

        return entries, total_count


Tables are covered in a separate page: Help:Tables


Use <nowiki> to insert text that is not parsed by the wiki, e.g.,

<nowiki>====Heading 4====</nowiki>

will result in ====Heading 4====, rather than the creation of an actual heading, Heading 4


An important navigational tool in the wiki is the use of categories. It is customary to include one or more category tags to the end of a page to indicate in what topical area the page belongs. For example, this page should be listed under the [[Category:General public]] and [[Category:HowTo]] categories. You can create a new category, if really necessary, simply by including a new category tag, e.g., [[Category:My new category]].


Another tool that helps make the wiki more readily navigable is the use of templates (Please select the Template namespace in the pull-down menu on the Special:Allpages page to view the current list of available templates). Templates provide a consistent look to pages as well as a shorthand for communicating things like {{Stub}} and {{Requesttranslation}}. Feel free to ask for help (here) regarding creating new templates you may need.


We have a mechanism for maintaining multilingual versions of pages in the wiki. Please see Translation Team/Wiki Translation for more information about translations. We also recommend the use of the Google machine translation for pages that have yet to be translated by a human expert. To use the Google translation, simply include the following at the top of your page:


See Also