Infrastructure Team/Contacts

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Bernie Innocenti

Support and administrative requests

DNS administration
<hostmaster AT sugarlabs DOT org>
See also Sysadmin/Nameservers
Sugar Planet
<planetmaster AT sugarlabs DOT org>
See also Sysadmin/Planet_syndication_request
Shell accounts
<sysadmin AT sugarlabs DOT org>
See also Sysadmin/Shell_account_request

Team Contacts

Services status

This feed sends updates about the health status of all our services and machines. Subscribe if you want to be notified.

Notificiations for planned service outages are also posted ahead of time on our "It's An Education Project" (iaep) list (check the Mailing Lists page).

Sysadmin Contacts

  • For problems with a service, such as this wiki, please consult the specific Service page for a list of sysadmin contacts.
  • For problems with a server, such as sunjammer, please consult the specific Machine page for a list of sysadmin contacts.
  • For anything else, your friendly sysadmins for can be contacted at <sysadmin AT sugarlabs DOT org>.

For urgencies, the core sysadmins are:

For non-urgent business, preferably use official administrative contacts instead of contacting individual system administrators.

We Care (tm)