
Revision as of 17:19, 8 February 2011 by Satellit (talk | contribs) (CP/software updates today to sweets sugar 0.88.1 in Ubuntu 10.1)

CP/software updates today to sweets sugar 0.88.1 in Ubuntu 10.10

CP/software updates today to sweets sugar 0.88.1 in Ubuntu 10.10
02/08/2011 sugar-terminal;
sudo su
  • in CP/software Update
28 updates:
Paint 31 works;
>Colors 15 starts; no Pen/Brush
Typing Turtle 26 works;
Words 4 works;
Visual match 27 works;
Stopwatch 4 works;
Spirolaterals 14 works;
>Scratch 20100321 Not installed
>Ruler 7 starts cannot move slide rule sides
Labyrinth 11 works;
>Maze 6 starts; no motion on mouse clicks
Moon 11 works;
Tux-Paint 5 works;sound
Physics 8 works;
>TamTam Mini 54 (failed to load)
Measure 32works;
>Read 79>86(shows icon on list) 79 loaded;starts but will not open .pdf or .epub; failed-(known bug)
Abacus 19 works;
FotoToon 5  works;
>>Pippy 37>38(shows icon on list) 37 loaded  works;<<
Memorize 36 works;sounds
Arithmetic 2 works;
Implode 10 works;
GCompris 15 (not loaded in test VB-too large)
Turtle Machine 10 works;
Get Books 5 works;Epub cannot return to same to reload .pdf (force quit);start new; works;
>TetrisMat 1 does not  work;crashes on sub menu
Record 87  works; audio only VB4 OSX
*Installed from sweets-distribution
moon works;
terminal 31 works; but icon [# ] causes crash sudo su works
IRC 8 (from ASLO) works;
Slider-Puzzle 8 works;
FlipSticks 8 works;
 Poll 27 works;
speak 20  works; good sound
>Firefox -6 (from ASLO) not tested only partially sugaized so has to frame icons..long wait exit)
surf 115 works (from ASLO)
  • Plus:
e-toys 116 added after reinstall from symantic 
starts from gnome and sugar
saves to journal from sugar
Backup to external USB works
Restore from External USB (msg close open applications first) restart WORKED


Latest versions of Ubuntu Sugar:
These are for experimental use only

USB-Creator Activity for Ubuntu only

Not usable in USR-20100628 satellit 07/10/2010

Problems running under Jaunty (9.04)

I'm moving these comments from the main page, since I can more easily respond to them here. --HorsePunchKid 18:13, 1 July 2009 (UTC)

Neil Mayhew 16:28, 10 July 2009 (UTC)

I was able to make the sugar packages work by adding a gconf setting:

gconftool-2 -s /desktop/sugar/desktop/favorites_layout -t string ring-layout

I think this will be fixed by adding the right gconf schema to the package, and hopefully will be fixed in version 0.84.

There are still lots of non-fatal error messages in the terminal, but it looks like these can be ignored. I used sugar-emulator --dpi=200. Logging in to a Sugar session from gdm worked too.

I tried sugar-emulator --dpi=200 and I got flashing screen on 9.04 and no joy.--Dennis Daniels 00:29, 6 August 2009 (UTC)
Here's the video of the above not working:

Previously, it was thought that a problem with Xephyr and dbus was at fault, but the above workaround shows that it's a Sugar packaging problem.

That will get you back to the point where you see the underlying problem, which is reported in ~/.sugar/default/logs/shell.log that has to do with dbus. See here for a possible resolution. --HorsePunchKid 18:22, 1 July 2009 (UTC)
  • Note 2: Ubuntu 9.04 USB Startup disk program makes SD which can be updated. If you add user and switch to new user, the Install icon goes away from the desktop and is now located in System Administration unlike Fedora 11 Preview where it is not removed from a user's desktop, And a system update fails.
  • Note 3: sugar-emulator in terminal results in a black screen with mouse coursor. Have to Alt-Tab get out..

Possible error in Ubuntu installation notes, should it not be:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sugarteam/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-sugar-remix

Danellisuk 14:39, 23 July 2010 (EDT)

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