
Revision as of 04:07, 6 March 2011 by Satellit (talk | contribs) (→‎Fedora 13: Fedora 14 and 15)


Fedora 13

The Sugar Learning Environment is packaged in Fedora 13.

  • From the System -> Administration -> Add/Remove Software menu, search for Sugar.
  • Among all the packaged Activities select,
  The emulator for the Sugar Learning Environment
sugar-emulator-0.88.1-1.fc13 (no arch)
and any or all of the Activities.
Sugar will be available in your Applications -> Education menu.

Fedora 14 and 15

  • In root terminal:
yum groupinstall sugar*
yum install sugar-emulator

Sugar will run in a Xephyr window within your current environment. You will have full access to the Sugar features, and may even run multiple instances to simulate a local collaboration group. Later versions of Sugar require one emulator per logged in user (there can be more than one user running) Check this

Adjust the default window size for Sugar by editing the menu item for Sugar to
/usr/bin/sugar-emulator -i 1200x900
to match the XO reflective screen resolution
/usr/bin/sugar-emulator -i 832x624
approximates the display proportions of the XO laptops, closely matching the toolbar, for example.
/usr/bin/sugar-emulator -i 600x500
fits the screen for a 10-inch netbook
/usr/bin/sugar-emulator -f
full screen on netbook

You may also collaborate with others in the jabber.sugarlabs.org server Neighborhood (Press <F1> to see the Neighborhood view.)

Sugar on a Stick

With this spin, you'll be able to run Sugar, which is developed by Sugar Labs and is the desktop environment used on the OLPC, directly from a Live CD or Live USB!

See our Sugar on a Stick page.

 , v4 alpha with Sugar 0.88.1 and Fedora 14 (Rawhide)

Make a custom Fedora image


Fedora OLPC

The Fedora OLPC SIG, http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/OLPC, will be importing further activities into Fedora, which might later be installed using

yum install sugar-*
Here's a video of the process http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKmrtlyyCFo
CJB suggests: as root, run: yum -y groupinstall "Sugar Desktop Environment"

The command to run Sugar is as root otherwise you may get this behavior.


For more information on the new release, please refer to the announcement here:

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