
Fedora 13

The Sugar Learning Environment is packaged in Fedora 13.

  • From the System -> Administration -> Add/Remove Software menu, search for Sugar.
  • Among all the packaged Activities select,
  The emulator for the Sugar Learning Environment
sugar-emulator-0.88.1-1.fc13 (no arch)
and any or all of the Activities.
Sugar will be available in your Applications -> Education menu.

Fedora 14

Sugar Learning Environment packaged in F14 or F15

  • In root terminal:
yum groupinstall sugar*
yum install sugar-emulator

Sugar will run in a Xephyr window within your current environment. You will have full access to the Sugar features, and may even run multiple instances to simulate a local collaboration group. Later versions of Sugar require one emulator per logged in user (there can be more than one user running) Check this

Adjust the default window size for Sugar by editing the menu item for Sugar to
/usr/bin/sugar-emulator -i 1200x900
to match the XO reflective screen resolution
/usr/bin/sugar-emulator -i 832x624
approximates the display proportions of the XO laptops, closely matching the toolbar, for example.
/usr/bin/sugar-emulator -i 600x500
fits the screen for a 10-inch netbook
/usr/bin/sugar-emulator -f
full screen on netbook

You may also collaborate with others in the jabber.sugarlabs.org server Neighborhood (Press <F1> to see the Neighborhood view.)

Fedora 15 gnome3 with sugar 0.92.0



Click link ^
"GNOME Shell is the defining technology of the GNOME 3 desktop user experience.
It provides core interface functions like switching to windows and launching applications.
GNOME Shell takes advantage of the capabilities of modern graphics hardware and introduces innovative user interface concepts
to provide a delightful and easy to use experience."

Installation to HD via dd write to 2GB Boot USB

dd if=gnome3_test_day_20110203/gnome3_test_20110203_i686.iso of=/dev/sd(x)
Note: dd to USB makes working non persistent USB that does installs and runs fine.
boots 2 GB USB on ACER ASPIRE ONE in gnome3 with wireless
Install to HD
Do update 178 packages
In terminal:
yum groupinstall sugar* --skip-broken
yum install sugar-emulator alacarte
 properties of Education/Sugar "sugar-emulator -f"
   (-i600x500) for smaller window


  • DO NOT UPDATE rsyslogd 5.7.9-1 fc15 (x86-64) doing so will make the system not login. (need to either downgrade rsyslogd or disable selinux) 03/20/2011
1-) Browse-120; Chat70 (does not start)
2-)to fix screensize in sugar-emulator:
su -
gedit /usr/share/applications/sugar-emulator.desktop
edit line 6: Exec=sugar-emulator -f
3-)How to show user pictures on the GDM LOGIN screen
Click "my account" on the top panel lets me edit the picture, and
adding a picture will show it on the GDM login screen.
4-) If you hold down Alt, a 'Shut Down' option appears in place of suspend
      the Shell simply always behaves so there's exactly one empty workspace.
      So when you start a session you have one workspace.
      As soon as you run something it goes into that workspace and
      you get a second empty workspace. As soon as you put any app into that
      empty workspace, a new empty workspace is created. If you remove
      everything from any workspace, it will disappear, so there's still only
      one empty workspace at the bottom of the list. So, there's never any
      need to manually add a new workspace. Pretty neat system.
6-) I've just installed F15 alpha in a virtualbox machine and at the first boot I
      get a gnome 3 error explaining that it can't be fully initialised because 3D is 
      not supported.
      GNOME3 is not expected to work in virtualized environments where
      hardware accelerated graphics are not available.
      From http://gnome3.org/faq.html ...
       The GNOME 3 desktop does require hardware accelerated graphics
       in order to provide a cutting-edge experience however, and the
       complete GNOME 3 experience will only be available on computers
       capable of this. Do not worry though: GNOME 3 will come complete
       with a fallback interface which will provide an excellent
       experience in the absence of hardware acceleration, and which
       incorporates many of the improvements that can be found in GNOME
      test Digest, Vol 85, Issue 60, Message: 7
       It's kind of a definition issue. GNOME *Shell* requires acceleration.
       But technically GNOME 3 does not; the fallback interface is still
       considered to be 'GNOME 3'. So you do need acceleration to get the Shell
       interface that's the 'big new thing' in GNOME 3, but still, if you don't
       have acceleration and you get the fallback interface instead, what
       you're running is still GNOME 3. Just GNOME 3's fallback interface.
       Adam Williamson 
      Message: 8
       In any case, VBox with 3d accelleration enables and 128MB for video memory
       is not sufficient for GShell.  (VBox 4.0.4)
      Message: 13
       Also, on that last note, we should clarify that right now Shell doesn't
       work even in virtualized environments where accelerated graphics *are*
       available, e.g. VirtualBox with appropriate hardware and drivers. In
       theory it should be possible to make this work, but in practice it
       currently doesn't.
       So there's two angles we can approach this from; make Shell run with
       software GL, or fix up Shell to work with virtualized graphics
       acceleration passthrough. But it's not at all guaranteed that we'll
       manage either in time for f15. 
8-)test Digest, Vol 85, Issue 78
       Unable to log in after update:
       yum downgrade rsyslog fixed it
       The minimum memory required is 1GB, due to anaconda changes.
       When you see "populate_rootfs" in the panic, it's caused by that.
       Message: 16
       don't know whether modifying services is reasonable, but what is not 
       reasonable is for a user no longer to be able to boot his system and not to be 
       able to log in after an update. For the less experienced user, this particular 
       problem required a reinstallation of the system. For me, a somewhat more savvy 
       user, this required using all the skills I had just to avoid reinstallation, 
       and only a tip on this list from another affected user to get me out of an 
       unsolvable situation.

Update Log

  1. 178 03/12? on install
  2. 28 3/15 (including alacarte update)
  3. ?- 3/16 Yum Update (including keychain)
  4. 49 3/18
  5. 25 3/20 without rsyslogd 5.7.9-1 fc15 (x86-64) which would cause loss of login per IRC

Smolt profiles

ACER ASPIRE ONE HD Install from booted dd USB of x86-64 .iso

Sugar on a Stick

With this spin, you'll be able to run Sugar, which is developed by Sugar Labs and is the desktop environment used on the OLPC, directly from a Live CD or Live USB!

See our Sugar on a Stick page.

 , Mango Lassi with Sugar 0.90.3 and Fedora 14 (Laughlin)
or, for brave pioneers, v5 alpha with Sugar 0.92 and Fedora 15 (Lovelock)

Make a custom Fedora image

Build Your Own Remix with Fedora

click link ^
  • Use Livecd-tools and a custom kickstart file to build a custom remix.iso

Fedora OLPC

The Fedora OLPC SIG, http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/OLPC, will be importing further activities into Fedora, which might later be installed using

yum install sugar-*
Here's a video of the process http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKmrtlyyCFo
CJB suggests: as root, run: yum -y groupinstall "Sugar Desktop Environment"

The command to run Sugar is as root otherwise you may get this behavior.


For more information on the new release, please refer to the announcement here:

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