

Hosted on


Administrative contact

  • translate AT sugarlabs DOT org


For non-emergency calls, preferably send email to the administrative contact.

Language Administrators

Language administrators are typically native speakers of a given language that take on responsibility (granted by a Pootle administrator after a request to the Localization list) for reviewing and committing PO files for a given language. Contacting language administrators is generally done by posting to the Localization list.

More information on language administrator duties can be found on this page


How to manipulate users:

django-admin shell --settings=pootle.settings
>>> from django.contrib.auth.models import User
>>> u = User.objects.get(username='bernie')
>>> u.is_superuser = True

Various scripts documented here:

Scheduled jobs :

pootle@pootle:~$ cat /etc/cron.d/pootle 
# m h  dom mon dow user command
30 00 * * * pootle /usr/bin/python       /var/lib/pootle/maintenance/helpers/potupdater/  /var/lib/pootle/maintenance/helpers/potupdater/project_list.ini
#00 00 * * * pootle git --git-dir=/var/lib/pootle/checkouts/etoys/.git pull
45 00 * * * pootle python   /var/lib/pootle/langpackgen/src/LangPackGen/   /var/lib/pootle/langpackgen/data/langpackgen_84.ini   /var/lib/pootle/public_html/packs/0.84
40 00 * * * pootle python    /var/lib/pootle/langpackgen/src/LangPackGen/   /var/lib/pootle/langpackgen/data/langpackgen_82.ini  /var/lib/pootle/public_html/packs/0.82
50 00 * * * pootle   /var/lib/pootle/maintenance/helpers/potupdater/check_unmerged_translations.s h
55 00 * * * pootle /var/lib/pootle/maintenance/helpers/potupdater/

Refresh stats, needed when the database and the checked out modules get out of sync:

/usr/lib/python-django/bin/ refresh_stats --settings=pootle.settings

Important directories in /var/lib/pootle:

checkouts: modules are checked out in this directory. pulls from git and svn so we have updated sources, then it generates a new .pot file from them. Translated strings get reflected in the .po files in each module, and when the language maintainer clicks the Commit to VCS link, get pushed back to the upstream module.

dbs: internal db used by Pootle, no need to mess directly with it.

maintenance: contains some sugar-specific scripts to help maintain our Pootle instance, they are managed in

po: contains xapian indexes for the search feature.

translations: more Pootle internal data

Upgrade notes

  • A backup of the DB and pootle must be done also.
  • Backup of the /var/lib/pootle structure
  • New versions of Django and Translate toolkit must be installed first
  • Restore localsettings and DB backup

Mantainance Notes

Pootle in Sugar is maintained. (dirakx has step-up to be maint)

We (godiard / martin_xsa / erikos / dirakx / Bernie / Dogi) are trying to resolve the pending issues because we need working translations.

To date translations are working, we are working in a new VM pootle-devel to test upgrades of the Pootle/Django/Translate-toolkit stack.

The last maintainer was Sayamindu Dasgupta and we asked he our doubts, i am putting here this information.

Basic info:

The pootle directory is:


The translations live in:


Adding activities

The git url must be writable by Pootle.

2!root@pootle:/var/lib/pootle/maintenance/helpers/admin# sudo -u pootle python ./  honey git:// fototoon
******** Cloning git:// to /var/lib/pootle/checkouts/honey/fototoon *********
Running git clone git:// /var/lib/pootle/checkouts/honey/fototoon
Initialized empty Git repository in /var/lib/pootle/checkouts/honey/fototoon/.git/
******** Switching to branch master *********
Running  git checkout --track -b master origin/master
Running git pull
Already up-to-date.
********* Git operation completed, moving to next stage ********
********* Searching for POT file *********
********* Found POT file FotoToon.pot *********
********* Starting to symlink files *********
 Linking /var/lib/pootle/checkouts/honey/fototoon/po/es.po to /var/lib/pootle/translations/honey/es/fototoon.po
 Linking /var/lib/pootle/checkouts/honey/fototoon/po/fr.po to /var/lib/pootle/translations/honey/fr/fototoon.po
 Linking /var/lib/pootle/checkouts/honey/fototoon/po/FotoToon.pot to /var/lib/pootle/translations/honey/templates/fototoon.pot
********* Done Symlinking *********

Creating branches:

  • Each branch (eg: glucose-0.90) is a directory in the translations directory

Each project is a subdirectory inside this directory (eg: glucose-0.90/sugar) These are actually symlinks to directories /var/lib/pootle/checkouts

  • There's a script called[1] It is invoked as category GIT_URL checkout_directory [branch] So, assuming the directory /var/lib/pootle/translations/sucrose-0.90 exists, you can issue a command: sucrose-0.90 git:// sugar sucrose-0.90

The script can be found in maintainance/helpers directory in /var/lib/pootle

  • Once this is done, you need to create project in Pootle admin - go

to admin->projects and createa project called Sucrose 0.90 with the code sucrose-0.90 (same as the directory name)

  • Restart Pootle and Apache if the new project does not show up after this.
  • Add the new projects to maintenance/helpers/potupdater/project_list.ini


Working with git in the pootle server

The git operations must be done by the pootle user:

sudo -u pootle git log
sudo -u pootle git push origin  sucrose-0.82

This script tell you when you can update different clones of activities, when new strings are added via gettext in each repo.


Other important script is this script re-generates pot in each repo.

Resolving conflicts

If the maintainer did a commit with a file in the po directory we will have a conflict, and Pootle can not do a pull.

Pootle build the pot file from the sources, if we compare and the translations are updated in pootle we can do a pull preserving the info in pootle:

sudo -u pootle git pull -s ours

Checking that pootle is working

  • When commiting from pootle interface, repos in git reflect the commit as something similar to:
pootle pushed 3fd0cf7b to taportfolio/mainline:master
on March 04, 2011 01:32
Commit from Sugar Labs: Translation System by user cjl.: 2 of 25 messages   translated (0 fuzzy).
  • (in cronjob), it's also giving mails with info like:
Already up-to-date. or
####### Checking POT for Write (master) ######

Pootle scripts:


  • If you have a commit error file because of only read git url, please rm the

old /var/lib/pootle/checkouts/ files related with that activity or project and re run pootlepopulator.

  • Also if there are errors related with git add, is likely that some lang.po files are not versionated on pootle server, please run git add . inside the activity or project.
  • When there are commit to cvs/update to cvs links missing in activities or projects please check git url in .git/config , this URL must be writable by pootle.

Restarting Pootle and apache

/etc/init.d/apache2 restart
service pootle start or /etc/init.d/pootle restart
