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This page is a draft!

Sucrose Development

Sucrose 0.95.x is an unstable development series intended for testing and development purposes. Sucrose uses odd minor version numbers to indicate development status, so this unstable 0.95.x series will finally become the 0.96 stable release.


The Sugar 0.95.x schedule is based on the upcoming GNOME 3.3.x development cycle. One reason is that Sugar is based on the GNOME stack. Another reason is that GNOME makes sure that their release will be able to be shipped by the major distributions.

Tarball Monday: The tarballs for the modules are always due on Mondays.

Release Wednesday: The releases during the cycle will happen on Wednesdays.

Current freezes in place for the 0.95 development release.

Freeze Status Full Freeze Starting on...
API/ABI Open 31 Jan 2012
Feature Open 31 Jan 2012
UI Open 21 Feb 2012
String Open 07 Mar 2012
Code Open 21 Mar 2012

Other schedules of interest

to be determined

Glucose Development Team/Release/Modules

Fructose Development Team/Release/Modules

Glucose Dependencies

Fructose Dependencies

  • pyabiword
  • hulahop