Wish list

Revision as of 13:53, 5 August 2011 by FGrose (talk | contribs)

This is a page composed of selected wish list pages on the Sugar Labs wiki.

Visit Category:Wish list for the known lists.

Please click a section heading below to visit a featured wish list, and then add your wish.

Sugar wish list

Use this page to request new features or enhancements to Sugar.

See also Request New Features.

Sugar Platform

  • satellit 02/18/2011
  1. always start sugar at Name_____ screen (not as many distros that start at Color____(for avitar).
  2. change avitar (CP/about me) name to match that logged in by user when first setting up sugar.
  3. Change IRC Name to match above and select the appropriate #channel for the distribution. This should be stored permanently until (CP/about me) is changed.


  • satellit 03/15/2011
  1. install sugar-emulator with command "sugar-emulator -f" as default
This would allow sugar emulator to match screen size of hardware it is running on and always be full screen
alternately provide a modal button on top frame of emulator window to switch to full screen and back at will.
until then we keep mentioning it, e.g. how to configure full screen.

Activity Library wish list

Enter here features or enhancements you would like in the Sugar Activity Library.
To track implementation progress, go to developers' corner.

Activity Collection comments

  • Just like Activity comments

Nicknaming it SAL instead of ASLO

  • And personify SAL, the librarian, as a new century librarian of Sugar Activities.
    This would be friendlier to children and teachers, and further distinguish our library from the Mozilla origins.
    What about naming it simply: Library, Sugar Library, i.e., without any acronyms at all. alsroot 21:55, 18 February 2011 (EST)
    There are befriending and marketing advantages to a nice nickname. Developers will use shorthand regardless, and sal is shorter and easier to pronounce than aslo. As children advance to developers, they will recognize their friend's name in use by the adults and maybe feel like, wow!, I would like to do that too. There are lots of Salvadors, Sallys, Salvatores, Saleems, etc. who would take note. And we could even spins some legends about the serious activity leader who appropriated the software to build our library, and the Siberian A L who is keeping it working, and the South American and Aotearoan librarians who are working on curation. --FGrose 21:01, 20 February 2011 (EST)

Improvements in L10n annotation

It would be good to know if an activity has been internationalized and set up for localization, whether is is hosted in the Sugar Labs Pootle instance or elsewhere. Cjl 17:22, 21 February 2011 (EST)

Features/GTK3/API wish list


There are a lot of code copy/pasted in the activities, and we can provide a easier API to new/occasional developers. Would be good use the change to GTK3 to improve our small sugar-toolkit/sugar APIs This pages is right now, to discuss ideas, and collect useful information.


The Activity Team


Toolbar items factory methods

Walter use in his activities factory methods to create buttons, separators, entry, etc. This remove a lot of duplicated code. Example:

def _label_factory(label, toolbar):
    Factory for adding a label to a toolbar 
   my_label = gtk.Label(label)
   _toolitem = gtk.ToolItem()
   toolbar.insert(_toolitem, -1)
   return my_label

def _entry_factory(length, toolbar, callback):
    Factory for adding a text enrty to a toolbar 
   my_entry = gtk.Entry()
   my_entry.connect('changed', callback)
   _toolitem = gtk.ToolItem()
   toolbar.insert(_toolitem, -1)
   return my_entry

We can add methods like create_button, create_label and create_entry to the toolbar

Code to enable/disable power management

Many activities have code to deal with pm.

Code to recognize XO-1, XO-1.5, XO-1.75 and other hardware

A few activities repeat code to recognize hardware.

More problems ahead http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/11116

School Server Wish List