Wiki Team/TODO
Currently the Wiki is undergoing a reorganization to make it more community centric. We are dividing the responsibility of sugar between several teams. It might seem odd having a team with one or even zero members. With proper nurturing, we should have a healthy community
Not Started
- ?System Admin team
- ?Web Develpment team
- ?Deployment team
- ?Content team
- ?Funding team
Wiki Infrastructure
- add svg upload support
- add whatever plugins are needed to support GoogleTrans-en and GoogleTrans-es
edit Mediawiki:Sidebar menu to remove "Random page" and add FAQ, rename "Current events" to News- Wiki-barnraising, harmonization of familiar and useful templates, plug-ins, extensions (e.g. traclink,etc.) from OLPC wiki.
- Add ability to auto document source code and create API documents.
- InterWiki Map, at least to OLPC Wiki. Laptop: -->$1
Pages Needing Love
Here is a list of pages which are incomplete or even contain just a discussion. We need to improve them as soon as possible to get more people involved by increasing the transparency of our infrastructure, code and processes.
- Community/FAQ
- DocumentationTeam
- Community/GettingInvolved
- BugSquad
- Supported systems (rename to Distribution?)
- CodeReview
- Infrastructure
- ReleaseTeam/Roadmap and ReleaseTeam
- Meetings
See the Community TODO list for more thing that need doing.