Testing/Reports/Sugar on a Stick

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Revision as of 17:01, 3 November 2011 by Satellit (talk | contribs) (→‎Jabber.sugarlabs.org Connections: dl obsolete section)

Testing Results

  • This page reports on testing of recent Soas and Fedora Stage ; Nightly Composes and Remixes

  SoaS v5 Coconut

  • Final release10/09/2011

About my Computer

Sugar on a Stick 5 (Coconut)
Fedora release 15 (Lovelock)
Sugar: 0.92.4


  • Software List (All favorites)
Write 76
etoys 116
record 93
chat 71
Turtle Art 114
physics 8
terminal 34
pippy 40
calculate 37
turtle art 114
Speak 29
memorize 36
pippy 41
clock 6
log 24
abacus 19
IRC 10
surf 115
Control Panel / Network Application works
  • liveinst installs to USB correctly (4 GB USB device: custom / ext4 no swap )
  • F16 liveusb-creator (GUI) works fine to make persistent 2GB USB device from .iso


  • SoaS v5 Coconut Beta only connects to jabber if using wired connection on boot

MacBook Pro i7 CD Boot

connect to wired network
Insert CD
Hold down option key until see CD "Windows"
Select it.
Sugar plymouth screen
F3 Ring
F1 Network Neighborhood -
works if wired connection on startup - sees jabber avitars
no wireless ap points show; no jabber avitars show
Sugar on a Stick 5-coconut
Fedora release 15 (Lovelock)

MacBook Persistent SoaS v5 and SoaS v6 EFI Boot USB

Boots directly from the USB device NEW
F15 Downlink: http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/spins/linux/releases/15/Spins/x86_64/Fedora-15-x86_64-Live-SoaS.iso
F16 Downlink: http://alt.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/stage/16.RC4/Spins/x86_64/Fedora-16-x86_64-Live-SoaS.iso
  • Latest F16-RC4 has the updated kernel and boots an EFI USB device directly on a MacBookPro i7 (11/01/2011)
I just successfully made a f16 RC4 EFI Boot USB in VirtualBox on My Macbook Pro i7......nice ; used x86-64 live Desktop and liveinst then installed additions (for USB Access)
Download of Live-desktop for Virtualbox:http://alt.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/stage/16.RC4/Live/x86_64/Fedora-16-x86_64-Live-Desktop.iso
VirtualBox Downloads: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/server-storage/virtualbox/downloads/index.html including additions
My Smolt Mac Profile:http://www.smolts.org/client/show/pub_3947102b-ca8d-49f6-9a2d-d1ab91b74448
Chat works just had chat with mulawa1 on USB on Mac
  • Note: EFI USB does NOT boot on MacBook Air. trying to figure out why
Is that an original MacBook Air? According to this page it does not boot EFI in 64 bits: Bert:
List of Macs that boot in EFI: http://www.everymac.com/mac-answers/snow-leopard-mac-os-x-faq/mac-os-x-snow-leopard-64-bit-macs-64-bit-efi-boot-in-64-bit-mode.html
Possible Fix: tested with grub2-efi, and then I can boot Air with xdriver=vesa nomodeset
Kernel upgrade to fix this: http://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/packages/kernel/3.1.0/7.fc16/x86_64/kernel-3.1.0-7.fc16.x86_64.rpm is in RC4
Look at Further adventures in EFI booting: http://mjg59.dreamwidth.org/4957.html
WORKS WITH SoaS v5 Coconut and SoaS v6 Pineapple
Only works with wired cat5 connection (May work with Wireless-not tested)
  <===click on image to enlarge
To Boot Hold "Option" Key when starting Mac. Hold key until EFI USB Icon Appears then select it right arrow ===> (EFI)
KEY: (x)= device name
Use the sudo blkid command in a terminal to see the USB and other device names for discs attached to the system.
ie: /dev/sdb; /dev/sdc; /dev/sdd.... IMPORTANT very dangerous if you use the wrong one
Run "yum install livecd-tools" so it installs all the required
dependencies and  then use livecd-iso-to-disk
hold option key on power up
select --> EFI Boot  
* Has Persistence
*2 GB Firefly USB
:formatted in F16 diskutility
fat /dev/sdb
fat /dev/sdb1
* (Built in F16 gnome3-shell 3.2.1 on Acer Aspire One N450)
* terminal:
----------substitute the f16 SoaS,iso for v6-------------
sudo livecd-iso-to-disk --format --efi --overlay-size-mb 300 --home-size-mb 175 --delete-home --unencrypted-home Fedora-15-x86_64-Live-SoaS.iso /dev/sd(x) (x)=device name
Verifying image...
/home/(user)/Downloads/Fedora-15-x86_64-Live-SoaS.iso:   566e78411306dc76f8608a8958c0f8fa
Fragment sums: 34bba2e2de25169fa69998bdffed8a3cebfe366f5e82264575b397bcb622
Fragment count: 20
Press [Esc] to abort check.
Checking: 100.0%
The media check is complete, the result is: PASS.
It is OK to use this media.
Press Enter to continue or ctrl-c to abort
wipefs: WARNING: /dev/sdb: appears to contain 'dos' partition table
Waiting for devices to settle...
mkdosfs 3.0.11 (24 Dec 2010)
Copying live image to target device.
  417943552 100%    7.55MB/s    0:00:52 (xfer#1, to-check=0/1)
sent 417994645 bytes  received 31 bytes  7812984.60 bytes/sec
total size is 417943552  speedup is 1.00
        8192 100%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00 (xfer#1, to-check=0/1)
sent 8265 bytes  received 31 bytes  16592.00 bytes/sec
total size is 8192  speedup is 0.99
Updating boot config file
Initializing persistent overlay file
300+0 records in
300+0 records out
314572800 bytes (315 MB) copied, 32.5186 s, 9.7 MB/s
Initializing persistent /home
175+0 records in
175+0 records out
183500800 bytes (184 MB) copied, 23.6238 s, 7.8 MB/s
Formatting unencrypted /home
mke2fs 1.41.14 (22-Dec-2010)
Filesystem label=
OS type: Linux
Block size=1024 (log=0)
Fragment size=1024 (log=0)
Stride=0 blocks, Stripe width=0 blocks
44880 inodes, 179200 blocks
8960 blocks (5.00%) reserved for the super user
First data block=1
Maximum filesystem blocks=67371008
22 block groups
8192 blocks per group, 8192 fragments per group
2040 inodes per group
Superblock backups stored on blocks: 
	8193, 24577, 40961, 57345, 73729
Writing inode tables: done                            
Creating journal (4096 blocks): done
Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done
This filesystem will be automatically checked every 35 mounts or 180 days, whichever comes first.  Use tune2fs -c or -i to override.
tune2fs 1.41.14 (22-Dec-2010)
Setting maximal mount count to -1
Setting interval between checks to 0 seconds
Installing boot loader
Target device is now set up with a Live image!


Sugar on a Stick 6 (Pineapple)
Fedora release 16 (Verne)
Firmware: MBP81.88Z.0047.B1E.1109091244
Wireless Firmware: N/A


> = Updates

pippy         43
moon          13
log           26
visual match  30
speak         34
typing turtle 28
ruler         13 > 28
turtle art    120 > 122
jukebox       23
irc           10
chat          73
maze          14
etoys         116
abacus        26 > 28
write         77
clock         7
record        93
calculate     38
image viewer  19
physics       9
memorize      39
terminal      35
surf          115

  SoaS v6 Desktop EFI USB device Builder prebuilt VirtualBox Appliance

Downloading 11/02/2011 9:46 AM PST ready in 3 hrs
  • F16-Desktop x86-64 Virtual Machine
Allows building of EFI Boot USB devices (self contained)
  1. Contains RC4 F15 and F16 x86_64-Live-SoaS.iso files in the Download directory
  2. Script in Desktop to run in terminal (cd Downloads)
builds EFI 2GB USB devices that boot MacBook Pro i7 (8.1 Intel)
Just import 2 files from above link ^

root=sugarroot user=sugar pswd=sugaruser

  • Note: Resulting EFI USB device is not boot-able in MacBook Air.(It gets garbled screen on boot). still working on it
nomodeset; vesa; xdriver=fbdev are all boot options to try
Please Test

  SoaS v5 Coconut prebuilt VirtualBox Appliance

Just import 2 files from above link ^

  dd writable 2GB USB Soas-v5-Coconut-USB .img

Download: http://download.sugarlabs.org/images/Soas_Coconuts.img
built with liveusb-creator in F16 with persistence file from
USB 2 GB Firefly
reduced to 1.66 GiB with gparted*
  • Never started so has original Name___; Color___==> startup

Write to a 2 GB (1.95 GiB) USB device

dd if=/dev/sd(x) of=Soas_Coconuts.img bs=2M
956+0 records in
956+0 records out
2004877312 bytes (2.0 GB) copied, 93.2584 s, 21.5 MB/s
  • NOTE dd may complain that it is unable to write to your USB device "No space left on device."
Disregard as it will work (this is due to gparted resizing)

Write to a Smaller 2 GB (1.87GiB) USB device

dd if=Soas_Coconuts.img of=/dev/sdg bs=2M
dd: writing `/dev/sdg': No space left on device
956+0 records in
955+0 records out
2003828736 bytes (2.0 GB) copied, 316.111 s, 6.3 MB/s

Notes on EFI boot from USB



Released 11/03/2011 This is the GOLD Release ((final)

Control Panel

Serial Number:    Not available
Build:            Sugar on a Stick 6 (Pineapple)
                  Fedora release 16 (Verne)
sugar:            0.94.1
Firmware:         V1.05
Wireless Firmware:N/A


>= updates
s=shared on F1
ns=Shows shared but not on F1
etoys 116
pippy 43
log 26
visual match 30
speak 34 
typing turtle 28
ruler 13
turtle art 120>122
jukebox 23
irc 10
chat 71
maze 14
abacus 26>28
write 77
clock 7
record 93
calculate 38
image viewer 19
physics 9
memorize 39 
moon 13
terminal 35
surf 115

Fedora 16 Net install

TC1.x64.boot.iso (installed to 8 GB USB HD 10/12/2011)
Anaconda 16.21
graphical desktop
[ ]Gnome (deselected)
[x]Sugar Desktop
Custom  / ext4 no swap
terminal: yum update

Control Panel

Fedora release 16 (Verne)
sugar 0.94.0


(> = updates)
moon 13
ruler 12 > 13
log 26
visual match 30
pippy 42
abacus 24 > 26
speak 34
typing turtle 28
jukebox 23
irc 10
maze 14
etoys 116
chat 71
write 77
clock 7
record 93
calculate 38
turtle art 117
physics 9
memorize 39
image viewer 18
terminal 35
surf 115

Fedora SoaS Spin

Current Download Page

Nightly live composes (Fedora 16 rawhide Branched)

Note all nightly compose are ephemeral builds for testing and are erased when the next build happens.
Current status of All createLiveCD Tasks in Koji
see latest builds and their status
Retrieve recent older Nightly Composes



create USB with livecd-iso-to-disk script

  • 2GB firefly USB formatted fat 16 with boot flag
# ./livecd-iso-to-disk.sh --reset-mbr --overlay-size-mb 300 --home-size-mb 175 --delete-home --unencrypted-home /home/robert/Desktop/Fedora-16-Nightly-20111016.20-i686-Live-soas.iso /dev/sdg1
Verifying image...
./livecd-iso-to-disk.sh: line 385: checkisomd5: command not found
Are you SURE you want to continue?
Press Enter to continue or ctrl-c to abort
Copying live image to USB stick
Updating boot config file
Initializing persistent overlay file
300+0 records in
300+0 records out
314572800 bytes (315 MB) copied, 41.3084 s, 7.6 MB/s
Initializing persistent /home
175+0 records in
175+0 records out
183500800 bytes (184 MB) copied, 26.235 s, 7.0 MB/s
Formatting unencrypted /home
mke2fs 1.41.4 (27-Jan-2009)
Filesystem label=
OS type: Linux
Block size=1024 (log=0)
Fragment size=1024 (log=0)
44880 inodes, 179200 blocks
8960 blocks (5.00%) reserved for the super user
First data block=1
Maximum filesystem blocks=67371008
22 block groups
8192 blocks per group, 8192 fragments per group
2040 inodes per group
Superblock backups stored on blocks: 
	8193, 24577, 40961, 57345, 73729
Writing inode tables: done                            
Creating journal (4096 blocks): done
Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done
This filesystem will be automatically checked every 33 mounts or
180 days, whichever comes first.  Use tune2fs -c or -i to override.
tune2fs 1.41.4 (27-Jan-2009)
Setting maximal mount count to -1
Setting interval between checks to 0 seconds
Installing boot loader
USB stick set up as live image!
  • Boots Fine

Install to HD (liveinst)

F16 disk utility

format HD
format partion ext4
  • Discovered that using gparted to format the HD partition on Ubuntu causes liveinst failure as it cannot see the 1 MiB first partition.
NOR can the installer


Boot Live SoaS CD
ext4 / [format] (not allowed to use existing ext4 fs)
installing bootloader
  • Works Great. boots to firstboot....gdm login
F1 Network neigborhood shows jabber avitars

Boots on MacBook Pro i7

option key ==> windows
has efi folder but does not show up on Mac


  • boots well-(plymouth circle animation)
f3 ring
  • f1 network neighborhood works on Jabber with wired connection
My Settings
  About My Computer
    Sugar on a Stick 6 (Pineapple)
    Fedora release 16 (Verne) 


# = not selected as favorite
> = updates
etoys 116
ruler 12 # > 13
calculate 37
turtle art 114 > 117
physics 8 > 9
log 24 > 26
memorize 37 > 39
pippy 41 >42
speak 32 > 34
clock 6 > 7
irc 10
record 93
write 76 > 77
chat 71
terminal 35
abacus 19 > 24
surf 115 fails to start ImportError: cannot import name AddressEntry


  • boots well-(plymouth circle animation)
f3 ring
  • f1 network neighborhood works on Jabber with wired connection
My Settings
  About My Computer
    Sugar on a Stick 6
    Fedora release 16 (Rawhide) => should say ... Verne (Branched)
  Network does not start
  Software Update
    (Says Software is Up to Date if wired Network is not connected)

Install to HD

  • Works fine /ext4 to USB


* surf 115  "None failed to start"  cannot import name AddressEntry (webtoolbar)  icon stays pulsing in top bar
pippy 40  works but ImportError: cannot import name physics
calculate 37
speak 29
physics 8
log 24
terminal 33 
clock 6 icon stays pulsing in top bar
irc 10  connect on port 8001- #sugar #sugar-es
chat 70 goes on line joins from f1
etoys 116  non=standard sugar interface does not color icon on f3 ring
turtle art 113 
record 93 no audio  icon stays pulsing in top bar
memorize 36 goes on line joins from f1
write 72
abacus 19