
It is Recommended to look also at Trisquel for another Ubuntu Build
Trisquel is Ubuntu based and works well. (Trisquel 4 and 4.1 is based on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, Trisquel 4.5, on Ubuntu 10.10.)
  • Toast (Trisquel Sugar Only)
Download Links:
Trisquel_5.0_Sugar Alpha version

Sugar on Ubuntu wiki:https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Sugar

Mint.png Sweets Sugar Desktop 0.94 on Mint 11

See also Community/Distributions/Linux Mint Debian.

based on Ubuntu 11.04
Download Link:[1]


How to install Sweets Sugar 0.94
To install click this link ^
NOTE: Will only start by logging out from Mint gnome and back in to Sweets-distribution
Selected on bottom bar of gdm login screen


write 77
Turtle Art 120
terminal 35
etoys 116
read 92  (starts .txt; .rtf: .pdf files)
pippy 43
log 26
jukebox 23
Image Viewer 19
chat 73
Calculate 38
browse 129
Added from ASLO or 2nd USB as .xo file and work:
moon 11
backup 5
restore 3
edit 8
irc 10

Control Panel

About my computer
software update
28 offered 11/12/2011

200px-Edubuntu.pngSweets Sugar Desktop 0.94 on edubuntu 11.04

This is a DVD full of Educational Software to which Sugar can be added with the instructions below:
  • Use Sweets_Distribution to install sugar

Installing Sweets Sugar 0.94

Register a repository by importing its gpg key. For example, for the Ubuntu-11.04 repository, enter the following in a terminal:

sudo apt-add-repository 'deb http://download.sugarlabs.org/packages/SweetsDistribution:/0.94/Ubuntu-11.04/ ./'
wget -qO- http://download.sugarlabs.org/packages/SweetsDistribution:/0.94/Ubuntu-11.04/Release.key | sudo apt-key add -

Refresh information about repositories:

(Note: The following steps can also be done from synaptic package manager.)
sudo apt-get update

Install the full Sweets Distribution, i.e., Sugar Shell and Fructose activities:

sudo apt-get install sweets-distribution

Install only the Sugar Shell:

sudo apt-get install sweets-sugar

200px-Edubuntu.pngSugar Desktop 0.90 on edubuntu 11.10

Updated: 10/20/2011
Note classic gnome fallback is available on install

To install Sugar

Ubuntu Software Center/Education (All Software)
Search: sugar
sugar 0.90 [x] use this one   bugs: 1-) cp/software update does not work 2-) Central f1 Avitar disappears after several minutes
sugar 0.84
sugar 0.88
sugar 0.86
  • Control Panel:
ubuntu 10.10
Sugar 0.90.1
Do updates right away
System Settings/Network to configure wireless AP
Applications/Education/sugar drag sugar XO icon to desktop
Properties (right click) change command to sugar-emulator -f (full screen)
Sugar only comes with turtle art 98 and pippy 37
  • Surf-115 can be drag dropped to the journal from a 2nd USB
Download to USB: http://people.sugarlabs.org/Tgillard/Surf-115.xo
This allows installation of many activities from ASLO (surf start new screen/activities) including the following:
physics 8
terminal 31
edit 8
surf 115
irc 10
chat 72

Mint.pngSugar Desktop 0.90 on Mint 11

Software Manager
Search "sugar"
Select sugar-emulator 0.90
Sugar only comes with turtle art 98 and pippy 37
Install applications in Activities from surf
  • Surf-115 can be drag dropped to the journal from a 2nd USB
Download to USB: http://people.sugarlabs.org/Tgillard/Surf-115.xo
This allows installation of many activities from ASLO (surf start new screen/activities) including the following:
edit 8
physics 8
terminal 31
edit 8
surf 115
irc 10
chat 72
backup 5
restore 3
moon 11

Control Panel

About my Computer
Build:  linux Mint 11 Katya
Sugar:  0.90.1
software Update
does NOT work


ONLY WORKS if wireless is disconnected prior to starting sugar this is known bug in sugar 0.90.x

Ubuntu-small.jpgSugar Desktop 0.88.1 on Ubuntu 11.04

11.04 has replaced Gnome with the Unity interface plus sugar 0.88.1
Works fine if you drag-drop surf-115.xo to journal from 2nd usb.
You then can install the applications you need from ASLO: http://activities.sugarlabs.org/
  • Works fine. Tested on a new install 07/31/2011

suggestion choose "Ubuntu classic" from gdm log-in switcher. (This gives Classic Gnome Desktop)

Tested on an ACER ASPIRE ONE N450 10" Netbook
Everything works on all of these options, including wireless.

Xubuntu logo slogan.pngSugar Desktop 0.94 on xubuntu 11.04

This is a CD with a minimal desktop to which Sugar can be added with the instructions below:
  • Use Sweets_Distribution to install sugar

"The newly released Xfce 4.8 is included. The menus in Xfce 4.8 are now editable with any menu editor that meets the freedesktop.org standards. The suggested editor is alacarte. "

sudo apt-get install alacarte --no-install-recommends
enter "alacarte" in terminal
click on properties in education/sugar change command to "sugar-emulator -f" (full screen)
Check [x] on main menu to display alacarte on xubuntu menu

Ubuntu-small.jpgSugar-desktop 0.88 on Ubuntu 10.04 and 10.10

Sweets Distribution

NEW Sweets Distribution Updated instructions 10/23/2011
These are Dextrose (2 and 3), thus more than just Sugar (0.88 - 0.94), it contains several features that still are not committed to the trunk + bug fixes.
Full Screen Sugar-emulator
  • Applications/Education/Sugar
right click: Add this launcher to the desktop
Open (right click)/Properties/Command: sweets-sugar-emulator -f
add -f to command (full screen)
  • Click on Sugar Icon
Sugar Desktop from gdm Login
Click on Name
Select Sweets Distribution on gdm bottom bar
enter password; Login
  • Tested on install 10/24/2011
  • To turn off screensaver and power management:
HINT:CAPS lock does not always work in sugar-terminal so use shift key to get lower case.
xset s off
xset -dpms

Ubuntu on MacBookPro


Ubuntu 10.10 for PowerPC


Sweets Usage


Ubuntu Sugar Remix, Maple Syrup, and earlier Ubuntu versions