Please do not edit unless you are part of the Sugar Release Team. Comments are welcome on the Discussion page.
Sucrose 0.94 Release Notes
Sugar 0.96 will be the new version of the Sugar learning platform. It will be released the 28th of March 2011 (see 0.96/Roadmap#Schedule for details).
This page is a work in progress!
What is new for users
Use NetworkManager 0.9
What's new for developers
The following changes are important for developers using the Sucrose 0.96 developer platform:
- The custom widget AddressEntry used in the Browse activity as the url entry has been removed from the toolkit. Browse does use now a standard gtk.Entry instead.
- The widget IconEntry is based now on a gtk.Entry instead of our custom widget. The API (which has some oddities like 'set_icon_from_name' instead of 'set_icon_from_icon_name') has been kept for now but will change as well in the near future.
- The Keep button has been deprecated and should not been used in newly written code. It will be removed completely from the API later; please adjust existing activities accordingly.
Activity Authors guidelines
no guidelines as of today
What's new for packagers
Internationalization (i18n) and Localization (l10n)
There a no known compatibility issues, as of today.
Getting the sources
If you want to package Sugar for your favorite distribution or just want to examine Sugar's lovely code here are the released bundles. If you are interested in the full changelog you can use the Sugar git repositories.
Glucose modules
- sugar 0.95.2
- sugar-datastore 0.95.1
- sugar-toolkit 0.95.1
- sugar-base 0.95.1
- sugar-artwork 0.95.1
- etoys 4.1.2390
Fructose modules
How to contribute with testing
Even so we have released now 0.94 there will be stable updates for this release. It is very important to get feedback from you if you find bugs as early as possible and to get a stable release at the end. The order of stability depends among other things as well on you.
If you find bugs please report them into the Sugar Labs bug tracker indicating the 0.94.x version in the ticket version field. If you have hardware from OLPC you can use the 11.3.0 builds for the i686 architecture (XO 1 and XO 1.5) and for the new ARM hardware (XO 1.75). Those builds include Sugar 0.94. Hardware specific bugs especially with the new 1.75 hardware please report at the OLPC bug tracker. The current development version is as well available in Fedora 16 and sugar-jhbuild (sugar* master branches).