Oversight Board/Meeting Minutes-2011-12-02

In attendance:

SLOB members: walter, cjb, icarto, alsroot, cjl

Community members including: kaametza, bkuhn, keynote2k, jt4sugar


  1. SLOBs Election 2011
  2. Local Labs


We welcomed our new members: Chris Leonard and Gerald Ardito and passed the following motion (4 in favor, 2 not voting, 1 absent):

Motion: The Sugar Labs Oversight Board would like to thank Bernie Innocenti and Mel Chua for their dedicated service to the community in their role as members of the oversight board.

Local Labs

Bradley Kuhn and Tony Sebro from the SFC led a discussion about the interrelationship between local labs and the SFC. They are going to poll the current local labs re their formal organizational structure and get back to us.

Laura Vargas asked: Does SFC Fiscal Sponsorship benefits/obligations apply to sugar lab's "official" projects? The answer is somewhat complicated (please refer to the log) but in essence, any Sugar Labs project falls under the SFC. So in order to be an official Sugar Labs project, it must be cleared by the SFC.

