Trisquel On A Sugar Toast/Virtual machines/Archive

Trisquel icon.png Trisquel-5.0-sugar

  • Sugar Desktop ONLY

Trisquel 5.0 is based on the previous Ubuntu release, 11.04 Natty Narwhal.

Sugar 0.94.1
starts at color selection
use <==(Back) to change name
Auto logon
enter password on restart
User = sugar
password = sugaruser
4-GB Virtual Box hard disc
English and English keyboard
USA-Los Angeles (Pacific timezone)

Trisquel-4.5 -Gnome-sugar BETA

  • Gnome and Sugar 0.88.1
  • Beta, so not for Production use, but quite stable for testing
    Sugar 0.88.1 is a much more stable release than Sugar 0.90.1
    NOTE: A lot of updates are still coming in.
Trisquel 4.5 Download
User is sugar
12-GB VirtualBox hard disc -(7.5 GB available) /boot ext4 883 MiB / 11 GB ext4 (physical)
English and English keyboard
USA-Los Angeles (Pacific timezone)
Pidgon set up to log in to #sugar and #trisquel from gnome Desktop
  • Sugar sweets 0.88.1 with 30 applications:
    How to install sweets-sugar-desktop 0.88.1
    Updated 02/04/2011 (System/Administration/Update Manager)
    Note: Enter "update-manager" in root Terminal to get sweets updates.


  • Cleared of sugar identity Starts on Color Selection Screen ( <===(back) to change name) 03/02/2011
Log in as sugar
8-GB VirtualBox hard disc
English and English keyboard
USA-Los Angeles (Pacific timezone)
  • Note CD boots MacBook (hold "C" until isolinux starts while pressing power button)
Use safe graphics (nomodeset)


Updated 12/23/2010
Log in as sugar
8-GB VirtualBox hard disc
English and English keyboard
USA-Los Angeles (Pacific timezone)


Log in as user=sugar
8-GB VirtualBox hard disc
English and English keyboard
USA-Los Angeles (Pacific timezone)
  • 20 new applications were installed by CP/software update
Some of these applications do (NOT start) or have problems:

Etoys (fixed 02/05/2011 alsroot)

read (will not open .pdf) (known bug)

GCompris 15 (fixed 02/05/2011 alsroot) downloads but is slow as:(62 MB) 4-5 minutes?

Flip Sticks (fixed 02/05/2011 alsroot)

Get Books 5 (works and imports .pdf to journal but Read will not open it)

Colors 15 (Starts but no brush to draw with)

Scratch-20100321 (waiting fix )

Squeak (In gnome-desktop:cannot find image; waiting fix)

Tetris Mat (crashes after intro screen)

Tam Tam Mini (fixed 02/05/2011 alsroot)

Terminal (Works but icon on top bar to go to # does not work- This is Ubuntu; COMMAND SHOULD BE "SUDO SU"..) not su.

Terminal crashes if use top icon for # is used