Platform Team/Sugar Network/Implementation


The requirements:

  • Implement initial system in short period of time;
  • Server should work on XO laptops;
  • System should support synchronisation between servers and provide full featured text search.

That's why using Active Document to:

  • Server should be as simple/lightweight as possible;
  • No SQL, just NoSQL;
  • Since server should support full featured text search, use Xapian and keep it as a "NoSQL replacement" with storing data directly in files system;
  • If server will start serving users from the Internet and current implementation won't manage to handle multiple request, another implementation might be created.


  • Network notifications framework to, e.g., let client cache resources and refetch them only on updates. Reuse existing or implement something similar to Facebook's real-time updates.
  • Support collaborative work on Wiki pages for different resources.

Getting involved

  • Submit your bug report or feature request.
  • Browse our implementation discussions, and post your feedback. (You should join this discussion list in order to avoid having your messages postponed for moderation.)