Tutorials/Send file to friend

Send file from sugar-journal

Tested by --Satellit 15:28, 27 December 2011 (EST)
and ajay_ in #sugar IRC
Files sent between XO-1 (os508dx-Dextrose2) and XO-1.5 (os874) and
a VirtualBox 4.1 for OSX install of Trisquel 5.0-sugar [1] on a MacBook Pro i7 (Not on screen shots)
[1] Ubuntu 11.04 with sweets-distribution sugar 0.94.1 which has some dextrose features.
  • Find your friends avitar on (f1) Neighborhood and in drop down menu make a friend.
Use (______) search in top bar to find name
(+) Make friend


  • Click on the Sugar-journal Icon in frame
click on file you want to send:
wait for drop down menu, click on send to and select the friend you established in the previous step
  • (The drop down does not <alt> + 1 take a screen shot while it is activated)
  • Here is the frame view showing it sent from the XO-1.5 to the XO-1


  • Here it showing a file that was received into the Journal from the XO-1 to the XO-1.5


  • Nice way to share files