Design Team/Proposals/Touchscreen

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Revision as of 21:43, 18 January 2012 by Garycmartin (talk | contribs) ()

Touchscreen Support

Feature description Keyboard only hardware Keyboard and touchscreen hardware Touchscreen only hardware
Cursor show always show if trackpad used, hide if screen touched hide always
Virtual keyboard not required useful in ebook mode essential
Cursor hover hints/palettes accessible accessible when using trackpad accessible only if activated by 'right click' (touch & hold)
Keyboard shortcuts accessible accessible when using keyboard not available (must rely on visual icons, HW buttons, or touch gestures)
Frame accessible accessible when using keyboard & trackpad needs a touch gesture (swipe in/out from any edge) and/or new button (top left corner most likely) and/or physical 'home' button on XO-3.0
Buttons & context Menus fine nice to have: optimized to be touchable size of buttons and menus needs to be optimized - user testing necessary
Screen resolution n/a n/a XO-3.0 is 1024x768, make sure Sugar shell and activities are flexible enough to scale well
Keyboard shortcut hints continue to add hints continue to add hints hide keyboard hints from touch only UI
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