Deployment Team/Resources/HIV-AIDS curriculum guide



Using XO laptop technology for awareness on HIV/AIDS among children ages 6–16 years

This curriculum guide is based on the following considerations:

  1. In the rural areas and in developing countries like Kenya, children and youths rarely access to computer technology due to poverty, lack of electricity and personnel.
  2. XO laptops are appropriate since are rechargeable, easily potable and simplified activities for learning.
  3. There is still great need for information on HIV/AIDS to be spread to children and youths to save the coming generations by impressing behaviour change.


  1. Develop a curriculum to address the need for information on HIV/AIDS using the XO laptop interactive and individualized learning environment.
  2. By the end of then program children should be able to the nature of HIV/AIDS and various ways of contracting the disease; describe the negative effects; evaluate and make decisions about the ways to prevent the spreading of HIV/AIDS
  3. Students will discuss ways of living with HIV/AIDS or have parents/guardians who are living with HIV/AIDS.
  4. Identify support groups and organizations.
  5. Acquire basic computer skills.
  6. Help the child develop healthy relationships both in and outside their country using connectivity on internet.


  1. To help the child get basic computer skills using XO laptop
  2. Pupils/learners to use XO activities to get awareness of HIV/AIDS
  3. To equip the teacher with necessary XO skills to help the learner in HIV/AIDS awareness
  4. To use XO laptops to deliver life skills that will lead to AIDS-free life by spending leisure time at youth friendly corners established with XO latops
  5. Identify appropriate sources of information on HIV/AIDS related issues using Xos and internet
  6. Make decisions about personal and social behaviour that reduce risk of HIV and STD infection using the XO technology
  7. Show compassion towards and concern for those infected and affected by HIV/AIDS why use information from XO>
  8. Communicate effectively with peers and others on issues and concerns related to HIV/AIDS and STDs using the activities on XO laptops
  9. To be actively involved in school and out of school activities aimed at prevention and control of HIV and STDs infections-behaviour change

General Learning/Teaching activities on the XO Laptops

  • Using Write activity on the XO to write familiar information, question/answer on HIV/AIDS
  • Taking and viewing video/photographs
  • Reacting to photographs/videos recorded on the XO laptop.
  • Recording and listening to stories,songs and poems containg HIV/AIDS messages
  • Drawing diagrams of organs/ Body parts, state of people living with AIDs using paint activity
  • Chating with classmates using OX chat activities on issues of HIV/AIDS
  • Use Wikipedia and internet on the XOs to find meanings and descriptions of words/parts and situations in AIDS
  • Using games and music on the XO to socialize with friends and know more about others

Main strategies to be used in curriculum implementation

  1. Child to child discussions in the classrooms
  2. Visiting hospitals, market places,orphanages and Children Homes with children and youths whose lives have been affected by HIV/AIDS to interact with members and record stories they give and take photographs and videos using XO laptops
  3. Individual manipulation of the computers
  4. One teacher teaching as other volunteers help the learners to move/navigate on the computers
  5. Teachers move with the computers from one centre to another for lessons to cover more children


Teachers and instructors to help learners through the following:

1-Introduction to computers

(a) Meaning of computer
Some children come from an area where they have never seen or accessed computer.The teacher should ask children to say what they think a computer is according to what they know about it.The teacher then describes computer in simplified language especially the functions of computer in general.
(b) Types of computers
The teacher should mention the different types e.g desktops,laptops,palmtops like mobile phones.The teacher can show the child different types and allow the child to touch them and ask as many questions as possible.the child should say what they think it is.
(c) The XO laptop
The learners are given the XOs to manipulate,They are asked to say/describe what they can see and make comparison with other types :(of laptops and other computers in general
(d) How the XOs work
Help the learner to open the XO,name different parts and their functions,press the start button and move the cursor.Children should navigate through the activities as they read themselves.
(e) What makes XO laptops different
More suitable/parts the computer: The learner to discuss with others as the teacher helps them through.
(f) Keyboarding
What you see on computer.Learners to say what they can identify,the different buttons and functions to be identified by the child.The TURTLE TYPE ACTIVITY on the XO can be introduced at this level to help hasted the keyboarding. Note: keyboarding may take a little longer but child will master the buttons as he/she goes through the activities contained in this curriculum.

2-Myself and others

(a) How do you know about yourself?
This is self-awareness of the child. Each learner is given time to type their names on XO using the Write activity. They can do this in turns if they are sharing a laptop. One child types as others watch. Through their interaction, they can learn from each especially if they of different ability. This helps the children to appreciate themselves and at the same time learn and appreciate each other as they learn keyboard. The teacher to show learner how to use Record activity.Learners can then be helped to take photographs of their faces using the record activity.This is very exciting for the children and youths. The teacher should help the learners to appreciate themselves especially those who feel very low about themselves or the way they look.The class should be given time to discuss about themselves.
(b) What makes you different from another?
Using Write activity,the learners should identify and write the differences they know.The child is helped and allowed to use Paint Activity on the XO to draw parts of the body that really look different from their neighbours.Gender differences should be singled out.The child choose who they think are different to use as an example.This helps the child appreciate others.During discussions in an open forum or plenary sessions,all children should be helped to love one another despite the differences in tribe,colour,race,clan,social class,level in class etc.Train the child on Chat Activity.The children should be helped to send messages to one another using Chat activity how they differ from each other.What they like and don’t like about others can be written down for discussion.
(c) How do you know your body changes?
The teacher asks the class write this question on their laptops using Write activity on the XO.They should use chat activity to discuss on the following:,Mention of body changes and how can one cope up with body changes?
(d) Assessment/Quiz/Role-play
The teacher to evaluate what the child can do alone with the laptop on topics covered and also with others in role play.

3-Facts about HIV/AIDS

(a) Stages of HIV/AIDS
Leaners use Chat activity to discuss the stages-The teacher to give guideline as learners draw on Paint Activity the patient looks like.Wikipedia is a good source of information.The child is asked to explore on Wikipedia and internet to get information.This way the child can be helped to access internet.Skype calls and chatting with other pupils or students and teachers abroad will motivate the class very well.The discussions can also include
(b) Signs and symptoms of HIV/AIDS
Learners to write on write activity,discuss on Chat activity find information on internet and Wikipedia on signs and symptoms.This to master more the keyboard and internet.
(c) HIV Test
Find out what the child knows about the test,its purposes by asking them to write on XO,discuss with each other on Chat activity.Role playing on people being tested and explanation on the importance of tests is important.Children should visit Voluntary Counseling and Testing centres to learn how the tests are done and record as audio files video files on the XO
(d) Assessment/Quiz/Songs/Poem
Using Record Activity:The child joins others to record songs, poems and write a quiz on signs,symptoms,stages and the HIV test.

4-Transmission of HIV/AIDS.

The teacher helps the to go to Wikipedia on the XO and find information on the following.

  • ways of HIV Transmission and
  • Ways of which HIV/AIDS is not transmitted.The class is guided to chat and send messages to each other using Chat Activity on XO laptop.They should use Write Activity to write all the points they gathe from the Centres and the community.This should be saved for discussion.
  • Assessment/Quiz

5-Responsible behavior

The learner should use Chat Activity to discuss with others,record songs,poems presentations stories using Record Activity on the following topics:

  • Responsible behavior-Related to HIV/AIDS
  • Irresponsible behavior –leading to HIV/AIDS Transmission
  • Difference between Responsible and Irresponsible behavior.

Conversations and plays from the Internet and Skype calls with institutions abroad on behavior is important.

  • Assessment/Quiz

6-Results of HIV/AIDS on the Nation

The children narrate their stories on the effects of the departure of their loved ones or there friends or neighbours due to HIV/AIDS in school,community and in the family under the following topics:

  • Economic
  • Agriculture
  • Labor
  • Population, tourism and Commerce

The following activities on the XO are used by the children in groups:

  • Chat Activity for discussion
  • Write activity to write new information,Wikipedia for reference
  • Record Activity to interact with the community and resource persons that are selected by teachers. This can be done through community outreach.The learners go out record video, take photographs of effects of HIV/AIDS on home and the surrounding.
  • The child can draw diagrams showing the effects using Paint Activity.
  • Assessment/Quiz

7-Beliefs and practices that affect the spread of AIDS

The learners are guided to write the beliefs using Write Activity on XO,discuss on Chat activity and go out in community to record discussions on Record Activity.Video and audio files are saved on XO for discussion.The child can be given opportunity tyo choose the activity to use.The teacher to help the learners to develop questionnaires to be used for interview in the villages and the chosen centres.This should cover the following;

  • Believes and practices to reduce HIV/AIDS Spread
  • Believes and practices to promote HIV/AIDS spread

8-Care and support for people infected by HIV/AIDS

This section requires a lot of participation of the learners through discussions and presentations.The chidren in class choose their friends to form groups and engage in formulation of songs,poems which are then recorded using record activity on the XO.Learners can also narrate stories about their experiences with people living with HIV/AIDS in their homes and neighbours.This can be written down on Write Activity and be presented in Plenary.This build the child’s personality and leadership skills.They can find more information on Wikipedia and internet connected through Browse Activity.The learners should cover the following areas.

  • How to care and support people living positively
  • How to stay with the affected/infected persons with HIV/AIDS
  • Assessment/Quiz/Debate

9-HIV/AIDS treatment/management

This is more knowledge- based.Children use Wikipedia,e-books and internet to find information on areas that follow.The teacher can make additional points.

  • ARV/ART to HIV positives
  • Meaning of CD4 count
  • How to remove/reduce stigma and stress
  • Good nutrition
  • Assessment/Quiz


The above approach is followed on XO laptop, only topics change.


  • Define computer
  • Types of computers
  • XO Laptop
  • Opening of the XO laptop
  • Parts of XO laptop and their functions
  • Navigation of the activities found on XO laptop and how they function
  • Assessment/Quiz

2-Myself and others

  • How to relate and interact with others
  • Health activities that young people can participate in and the role to play
  • Factors which promote health –courtship and how to practice.
  • Assessment/Quiz

3-Basic facts about HIV/AIDS and STI (STDs)

  • Meaning of HIV/AIDS
  • Meaning of STI/STDs and examples
  • Ways of HIV/AIDS Transmission
  • How to avoid contracting STDs and HIV/AIDS.
  • Assessment/Quiz

4-Youth and sexuality

  • Meaning of adolescence, youth and sexuality
  • Physical and emotional changes in girls and boys during adolescence.
  • Assessment/Quiz

5-Responsible behavior

  • Meaning of responsible behavior
  • Examples of responsible behavior
  • Responsible ways in which the youth should relate to members of the opposite sex
  • Irresponsible sexual behavior relationships and their examples
  • Avoidance of irresponsible sexual behavior
  • The impact of responsible behavior in relation to HIV/AIDS
  • Assessment/Quiz

6-Time management

  • Importance of time management
  • Meaning of work and leisure
  • Choose appropriate and inappropriate leisure activities
  • Assessment/Quiz

7-Signs and symptoms of STDs and HIV/AIDS

  • Signs and symptoms of common STDs and HIV/AIDs
  • Assessment/Quiz

An example of simple schemes to be followed

This can help in allocation of lessons.

Content Learning Activities No. of Lessons
Introduction to XO Laptop Introduction to computers
  • Watching and manipulating XO laptop
  • View pictures of other computer
Comparison of XO and other computers (Advantage of XO laptops)
  • View and manipulating XOs
Parts of an XO and their uses
  • Identification of the parts of the XO
Myself and others External parts of the body and their uses
  • View pictures, video
  • Drawing and labeling on the XO
What do we know about others: neighbours/friends/family member Writing using XO 1
Learning About AIDS Some communication diseases and their description
  • Finding from wikipedia on XO
  • Chat/discussion on XO
  • Pictures of infected persons
Description of AIDS/meaning
  • Wikipedia-meaning writing on XO
Causes of AIDS (germs)
  • Drawing , writing on XO
  • Chating/Discussion on XO
How AIDS get into our bodies
  • Drawing on XO
  • Discussion/Chat activity
What HIV/AIDS can do to us. HIV/AIDS
  • Effect on individual
  • Effects on family community
  • Listening to taped stories and videos on the XO
  • Chatting to react to topic
Signs and symptoms of HIV/AIDS
  • persist cough
  • Recurrent diarrhea
  • Rashes
  • Loss of Weight
  • Chronic fever
  • Watching video/listening to audio
  • Information from Wikipedia of XO
  • Drawing on XO
  • Chating/discussion on the XO
What can we do to people living with HIV/AIDS How to help people living with AIDS
  • Giving them prescribed medicine.
  • Keeping them clean
  • Sharing with them the word of God
  • Giving them nutrious food
Learners write answers to questions to on XO
  • Discussion/Chat activity.
  • Drawing on XO
  • Watching videos on XO
  • Listening to recorded massager OX
Prevention of HIV/AIDS Learners to explain ways of prevention of HIV/AIDS
  • Chastity
  • Self discipline
  • Proper discipline
  • Proper-decision making
  • Self-assertiveness situations
  • Avoidance of insecure situations
Write activity writing explanations
  • Get meanings from Wikipedia
  • Listening to shot messages