Features/Multi selection screenshots



The implementation is almost identical to the one done by Martin; details available at : http://www.sugarlabs.org/~tch/journal2.mpeg

The only differences are ::

  • More copy-to options :: Clipboard, Documents (in addition to mounted drives).
  • When entries are copied to another location, both - the sources and the destinations - are de-selected automatically, without the user explicitly have to de-select them all manually.
  • There has been a progress bar added for batch-operations.

Typical copy-to workflow

[Step 01] Initial "Journal" view

[Step 02] Initial "Documents" view

[Step 03] Select an entry in the journal. The Edit-Toolbar, signifying batch-operations, appears.

[Step 04] Select more entries in the Journal.

[Step 05] Click "Copy" toolbar button, and select to copy to "Documents" from the pop-up

[Step 06] The confirmation alert appears. Click 'OK'

[Step 07] click on My-Settings

[Step 08] click on My-Settings

[Step 09] click on My-Settings

[Step 10] click on My-Settings

[Step 11] click on My-Settings