Activities/Turtle Art/Arduino

Turtle Art with Arduino

There are several efforts to develop Turtle Art support for Arduino.


Blink led in Arduino pin 13


Based on the existing version on TurtleArt with Arduino:

and the base work for refactoring adapting the Arduino version to the latest Turtleart structure:

This version is based on the mainline version of TurtleArt 0.86

The Arduino functionality was corrected from previous versions:

  • Analog and digital reading now works correctly
  • Auto detection of ttyUSBx port for FTDI device (Arduino board uses this for USB)

It requires the Firmata protocol to be uploaded to the Arduino board. Use the latest Firmata version (2.1 as of now) downloaded from the Firmata page ( The Firmata version included with the Arduino IDE has some inconsistencies.

This version has english and spanish translations. Other localizations may require some code adjustments due to inconsistencies in the file naming scheme.


The .xo file can be downloaded from here.

Getting it working

For hints on getting it working on different Sugar versions see

TurtleArt (sugar) + icaro = Tortucaro
