Use this page to request new features or enhancements to Sugar.
See also Request New Features.
Sugar Platform
- satellit 02/18/2011
- always start sugar at Name_____ screen (not as many distros that start at Color____(for avitar).
- change avitar (CP/about me) name to match that logged in by user when first setting up sugar.
- Change IRC Name to match above and select the appropriate #channel for the distribution. This should be stored permanently until (CP/about me) is changed.
- satellit 03/15/2011
- install sugar-emulator with command "sugar-emulator -f" as default
- This would allow sugar emulator to match screen size of hardware it is running on and always be full screen
- alternately provide a modal button on top frame of emulator window to switch to full screen and back at will.
- until then we keep mentioning it, e.g. how to configure full screen.