Education Team/Lesson Plan resources
- How about some outreach to a group committed to produce curriculum materials for grades 4 to 12 using Python and E-toys for use in South Africa? They are funded by the Shuttleworth Foundation (Ubuntu money and major commitment to open everything—being phased out, unfortunately).
- Try to seek aligned interests with any of the other open and collaborative efforts like Free High School Science Texts, who's goal is to develop a set of complete textbooks for Maths, Physics and Chemistry for grades 10-12 will be completed by early 2008, all under GDFL licensing.
- Interesting on-line high school physics course
- I also came across this rather remarkable compilation of web-pages that have posted lesson plans. The lesson plans may not all be Constructionist gems, but the people that created them and posted them to the WWW are certainly the type of educators that the OLPC effort needs to engage.
- Anytime Anywhere Learning Foundation (AALF)
- AALF is a 501(c) 6 not for profit association whose mission is to serve as an advocacy vehicle for anytime, anywhere learning.
Etoys shares features with other drag and drop programming environments such as Game Maker and Click & Play. The lesson plans, samples and pedagogies developed in classrooms can be easily adapted to Etoys
Some papers by Alan Kay
Tapping Epistemological Resources for Learning Physics
Naive Physics Reasoning: A Commitment to Substance-Based Conceptions
On the Nature of Naïve Physics
Open source 2D physics engine Box2D
and the Physics activity (and the Elements/pybox2d development being done in its branch)