
< Ubuntu
Revision as of 20:08, 6 March 2012 by Satellit (talk | contribs) (→‎Activities: note activites loaded with sweets_distribution 0.94.1)

Ubuntu with Sweets_Distribution

Ubuntu 11.10 with sugar 0.94

  • Under Construction Not Ready Please Return Later--Satellit 11:09, 6 March 2012 (EST)
  • Hit top Button "Dash home" on left menu
More Apps
Search "terminal"
  • Start terminal
click on left panel terminal Keep in launcher
  • Start Firefox go to:
  • copy paste commands

About my Computer


Ubuntu 11.10 with sugar 0.90.1

  • Native Versions in Ubuntu Repositories
  • Software Center
Search "sugar'"
sugar-emulator 0.84; 0.86; 0.88; and 0.90
install sugar-emulator 0.90
sugar-install-bundle Surf-115.xo
  • Hit top Button "Dash home" on left menu
More Apps
Search "sugar"
  • Start Sugar
  • Use Surf-115 to connect to ASLO (activities on start page) and install applications.

About my Computer

Build     Ubuntu 11.10
Sugar     0.90.1


  • Some Activities that start
surf        115            Downloaded and installed with sugar-install-bundle
chat         73            ASLO
record       93            ASLO only sound on VirtualBox OSX
get books    10            ASLO no way to read as read does not start
arithmetic    2            ASLO
moon         13            ASLO
maze         15            ASLO
Turtle Art   98
Pippy        37
IRC          8: Ubuntu 10  ASLO "connecting on port 8001" but no connection 
words        14            ASLO
Terminal     35            ASLO


  • Users central avatar XO disappears after several minutes
Known bug of 0.90

Ubuntu 10.04.4 with sugar 0.94

Sweets-Distribution 0.94 Installed fine in new VirtualBox install--Satellit 08:14, 6 March 2012 (EST)

About my Computer

Build     Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS
Sugar     0.94.1
Firmware  VirtualBox


After 31 activities updated in CP/Software Update = not marked with *
Scratch         201000321  Downloads but not in f3 Spiral or list view.
Gcompris        17
Paint           31
Colors          15
Typing Turtle   26
Words            4
Visual Match    27
StopWatch        4
Spriolaterals   14
Ruler            7
Labyrinth       11
Flipsticks       8
Maze             9
Moon            11
Tux Paint        5
TamTamMini      54
Measure         32
Read            87
Abacus          19
FotoToon         5
Poll            27
Memorize        36
Arithmetic       2
Implode         10
Turtle Machine  10
Get Books        5
Tetris Mat       1
Record          87
IRC             10         downloaded from ASLO

Key:* Original Installs from sweets_distribution
Write           77*         
Turtle Art     136*         
Terminal        35*
Pippy           46*
Log             27*
Jukebox         23*
Image Viewer    19*
Etoys          116*
Chat            73*
Calculate       38*
Browse         129*


  • Connects properly