Features/Transfer to many options

Proposal for a client-initiated journal transfer


  • The server XO would make available its shares available via WebDAV, running in the context of "httpd" service.
  • The client XO would connect to the server XO via its browser.
  • Therafter, "Browse" would take over.


  • Setting up WebDAV on a server XO.
    • Install package "httpd".
    • Generate openssl "server.crt" and "server.key".
       cd /etc/ssl/certs/
       sudo openssl req -new -newkey rsa:1024 -days 365 -nodes -x509 -keyout ssl.key -out ssl.crt
    • Configure "/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf" to setup the WebDAV share. Sample file : media:ssl.conf
    • Generate authentication file for the webdav folder. These user-password credentials will be asked whenever a client tries to access the webdav folder. For example, the following list of commands sets "test" as the user, and "olpc" as the password.
       sudo htpasswd -c /var/www/web1/passwd.dav test
       New password:  <olpc>
       Re-type new password:  <olpc> 
       Adding password for user test
    • Start service "httd".

  • Exporting Data to WebDav, on a server XO.
    • Sascha's JournalToWebDAV workflow.
      • step 1
      • step 2
      • step 3
      • step 4
    • Alternatively,
      • Add "Share" listview in the bottom panel-tray; that would make a total of 4 types of listview - Journal, Documents, Mounted-Drives, Share.
      • "Share" would follow all the schematics of "Documents" type. After all, "Share" is just a folder in the filesystem (like "Documents").
      • The corresponding folder is "/var/www/web1/web" (as configured in "/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf").
      • All entries in the "Share" folder would be available to client XOs.

In a server-initiated operation, the server is responsible for adequate delivery to all the clients, whatever the number may be. In a client-initiated operation, each client is responsible for herself only.

Option Server-Initiated / Client-Initiated Secure Data Transfer Proxy Support Peer to Peer Support (Gabble/Salut)
Looping over "Send To" Server-Initiated Yes/Yes
Sascha's JournalToWebDAV Client-Initiated
Each XO acts as an independent WebDAV server; client uses browser Client-Initiated Yes (HTTPS over SSL) /Yes