Documentation Team/lang-es

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Nuestra Misión es proveer la comunidad de sugar con alta calidad de documentación, incluyendo manuales de usuario, referencias de programación y tutoriales

Our mission is to provide the Sugar community with high quality documentation, including user manuals, programming references, and tutorials.

Manuales de Usuario

Estaremos trabajando con manuales FLOSS para crear nuestra documentación o la del usuario. Su excelente guia de inicio está en OLPC simple. El trabajo en progreso se enlista en DocumentationTeam/KnowledgeBase .

We will be working with FLOSS manuals to create our end user documentation. Their excellent getting started guide is at OLPC simple. Works in progress are listed in the DocumentationTeam/KnowledgeBase .

See also

Topic Ideas

  • Setup a development environment. With and without jhbuild.
  • "Write your activity" tutorial. It should include:
    • graphic controls,
    • datastore,
    • collaboration.

Véase también

Programming References


The API guide explains how to get started documenting api.


  • Probably we should document the datastore dbus API. I'm not sure what's the best way to generate documentation for it. It's so small that a wiki page might be the simpler solution for now.
  • Existing collaboration documentation is at Collabration.
  • Morgs, my impression after a 3 minutes look over the available documentation is that there is little written with activity authors in mind, and that it's dispersed in several pages and mixed with implementation docs. Is that impression correct? I would like to have a couple of things: 1 complete documentation of the API which interest activity authors (with good links to dbus documentation since it's used so heavily) 2 A complete tutorial as part of the "manual". One of the Tubes pages looks like a pretty good start in this respect. Does it make sense to you? Can we make it happen? -- Marcopg
  • Yes we can! --Morgs 13:50, 16 May 2008 (UTC)
  • Hey, I came up with an alternate "reference" implementation for collaboration when I wrote Colors!, I think it's a lot easier to understand and could be the basis for a good tutorial. The only weird thing is, I wanted my activity class to receive DBus signals directly, so I subclassed ExportedGObject but initialized late - hacky, I know. It would be nice if this were not needed! [1] Wade 18:49, 18 May 2008 (UTC)
  • Low level API (non-python activities). We should just move bert document on this wiki.
this is the page but it must be complemented with


  • Probably good to have a pygame tutorial, it's probably the best thing we have at the moment to do free form graphics stuff.
  • Etoys based activity tutorial?

