Dextrose/3/Patches State

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Revision as of 15:39, 13 May 2012 by Godiard (talk | contribs)

In eduJam Rafael, Reuben and Gonzalo did a review of pending patches:


Ready to upstream

= Change the method to add new actitivities in the activities list in home view (Jorge Saldivar)

This patch seems o.k but needs to be updated to latest sugars. (in comment).

Database support for 3G control panel (Andrés Ambrois)

Need design review patch

Add lease duration information in about my computer (Anish Mangal)

We need check xo-1.75 compatibility

Globalkey for touchpad device icon (Martin Abente)

Must be upstreamable,.especify for only 1.0. to check deviceicon/ for specific path and verify hotkey <alt-m> ??

Post GTK3 port

Clipboard menu off screen #2201 (Aleksey Lim):

Notas:We nend to add new functionality to the pallete in order to allow max widht and add widgets instead of only text.

Better to do in gtk3 port, this patch its a hack.

Set default scaling to 100 (unknown author)

in GTK3 is going to be possible to set scale with other units than pixels. like CSS. We must see Gnome bugs..and ask Carlos Garnacho.

Need follow feature process

Notification enhancements (Martin Abente)

Patch not found, prepare a feature request, comments in link:

To review actual state in regard to GTK3.

Extend sugar-launch with more options (Martin Abente)

We need to make a feature page for that, the change its simple but its needs discussion.

Show register gconf value (Martin Abente)

ISTR the Design Team had an issue with this (or maybe just with another "Register" menu item related topic). We should restart discussions on this. From a UX perspective, it would be nice if we could automatically determine whether a School Server is available, rather than always showing the option and adding a crutch to disable it. There are privacy issues to consider (that are potentially shared with the existing code; see e.g. a discussion of the current security model). We need a link to discussion, why is this needed and what the problems are.

Feedback feature (Aleksey Lim, Mukesh Gupta)

New feature page, design dicussion.

needs new desing and analisis, follow: abrt, apport..and request how is it used in Paraguay. Low prioriy.

Add font dpi schema (Jorge Saldivar)

Needs to be analized for post - GTK3 and porpose a features page.

Old feature page

Journal Backup / Restore (Martin Abente)

Redo feature page and analyse if this can be done on the control panel.



Yum-updater notifications integration (Aleksey Lim)

Needs to be investigated and use package kit instead of yum.

to acoount integration debian or other service. Use ubuntu-fedora related implementations.

Make sure Adhoc is Sugar-Adhoc (unknown author)

TODO..not found patch.

Share 3g connection (Martin Abente)

Need investigation regards New network manager versions, impleting share connection feature (for all kinds of connections), and needs desing for sugar interface experience.

First we need to apply:


Bug reference:

Memory and cpu resource indicator (Anish Mangal)

It needs to be re-designed. ? CPU cycles code must be tuned for ARM ?

Does this needs CPU cycles, suspend resume behavior?, Using it only with the fram is open.

Bugs to solve

Flickering and unknown icons in the window bar #870 (Aleksey Lim)

Needs review and testing to get it upstream, its an interesting bug to work.

New microformat activity updater (Anish Mangal)


It hasn't been ported to sugar 0.94, OLPC had a patch in sugar-0.84 with this functionality.

Mixed bag

Accesibility Series

Doing patch separations., ruben to ask for feedback, separate and clean up tyhe patches.

Parse activites dependencies

Sweets..description, ..needs feedback from aleksey.

More robust handling of unhandled exceptions (Aleksey Lim)

Patch not found. We need to review this one.

Let call the frame from arbitrary code avoiding curcular imports (Aleksey Lim)

Not sure why this one is necessary. We should fix circular imports by refactoring rather than adding hacks to break the cycle.

Status unknow. What is the problem that this patch is trying to fix, bug fixes?


RFC: Kill the delayed menus for good (Bernie Innocenti, Michael Stone)

Needs solid feedback from the field before we can try again.