Activities/Cookie Search

About CookieSearch


The CookieSearch Activity is a simple mind-sweeper-type game.


Where to get CookieSearch

The CookieSearch activity is available for download from the Sugar activity portal: CookieSearch

The source code is available on the Sugar Labs Gitorious server.

Using CookieSearch


Activity Button
Opens Activity Toolbar
New Game Button
Launches new game
Stop Button
Exit activity

Activity title
Share Button
Write to Journal
Copy Scores Button
Copies score history to Clipboard (to be loaded into Activity/SimpleGraph.

Learning with CookieSearch

Modifying CookieSearch

  • Replace the artwork with artwork you design.

Your suggestions for enhancements and/or use cases...

Where to report problems

You can soon report bugs and make feature requests on our bug-tracking system (You need to create an account first). To list all open tickets of CookieSearch you can use query component=CookieSearch. You are also welcome to leave comments/suggestions on the Talk:Activities/CookieSearch page.


CookieSearch was written and is maintained by User:Walter.